Tag: data science

Gastbeitrag 0
Gastbeitrag von Accenture - Agilität bei Datenarchitekturen

In der Vergangenheit hat sich die Agilität von BI-, Big Data- und Analytics- Anwendungen (Datenarchitekturen) als Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen erwiesen. Gerade die Integration neuer Datenquellen in bestehende DWH-Architekturen und die daraus resultierenden Anpassungen resultieren in langwierigen Entwicklungsprozessen.

Andrew Pease 0
Enter the data composer

Along with the data scientist hype, analytics and the people who make them work have found themselves in the spotlight. The trend has also put an emphasis on the "science" aspects of analysis, such as a data focus, statistical rigor, controlled experiments and the like. Now, I’m not at all against adding more

David Pope 0
What do crime shows and data science have in common?

I enjoy watching TV crime series like Law and Order, Crime Series Investigation (CSI), CriminalMinds, Numb3rs, Person of Interest, as well as real-life mystery stories on shows like 20/20 and others. Obviously, the popularity of these types of shows means I'm not the only one who enjoys this type of entertainment. Here at SAS,

Jim Harris 0
As the butter churns in Bangladesh

“Correlation does not imply causation” is a saying commonly heard in science and statistics emphasizing that a correlation between two variables does not necessarily imply that one variable causes the other. One example of this is the relationship between rain and umbrellas. People buy more umbrellas when it rains. This

Jim Harris 0
Errors, lies, and big data

My previous post pondered the term disestimation, coined by Charles Seife in his book Proofiness: How You’re Being Fooled by the Numbers to warn us about understating or ignoring the uncertainties surrounding a number, mistaking it for a fact instead of the error-prone estimate that it really is. Sometimes this fact appears to

Jim Harris 0
Data science versus narrative psychology

My previous post explained how confirmation bias can prevent you from behaving like the natural data scientist you like to imagine you are by driving your decision making toward data that confirms your existing beliefs. This post tells the story of another cognitive bias that works against data science. Consider the following scenario: Company-wide

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