Internet of Things

Stay up on IoT trends, business opportunities and the future of streaming data

Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Peter Pugh-Jones 0
Intelligent ecosystems and the intelligence of things

I've long been fascinated by both science and the natural world around us, inspired by the amazing Sir David Attenborough with his ever-engaging documentaries and boundless enthusiasm for nature, and also by the late, great Carl Sagan and his ground-breaking documentary series, COSMOS. The relationships between the creatures, plants and

Internet of Things
Natalie Mendes 0
The analytics of things ... and sports

Who cares about sports and data? Not just athletes, coaches and fans. It turns out that many companies outside of sporting organisations are also associated with the sports industry.  For example, financial services organisations are actively involved in sports sponsorships. Retailers sell fan merchandise. Telcos build social engagement strategies around

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