
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 2
Why do we rely on judgment when analytics outperforms it?

Wherever there is uncertainty there has got to be judgment, and wherever there is judgment there is an opportunity for human fallibility. Donald Redelmeirer, physician-researcher Recently, I read a fascinating book titled The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Mind by Michael Lewis (W.W. Norton & Company, 2017). Lewis

SAS Events | Students & Educators
Paula Henderson 0
Former US Chief Technology Officer encourages STEM diversity

Former U.S. Chief Technology officer Megan Smith stressed the importance of continued investments in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in her keynote address at SAS Analytics Experience, sharing a quote from George Washington. In his first address to Congress, in 1790, Washington said, “There is nothing which can better

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Internet of Things
Lonnie Miller 1
How to monetize connected vehicles with analytics and mobility services

For the last two years, I’ve spent time listening to and brainstorming with automakers, their suppliers and other technology companies about how to monetize connected vehicle data. This involves: Data that’s offloaded from a roving vehicle fleet (cars, trains, semi-trucks, farm tractors, you name it!). Data coming from driving-related mobile apps used

David Pope 0
What makes SAS so powerful

SAS' tag line is The Power to Know©, But what makes SAS so powerful? Ask our users and they'll tell you -- it's because SAS allows them to answer questions which previously could not be answered. How does SAS do this? SAS built a 4th generation programming language which makes

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