
Goran Dragosavac 0
The what and why of customer segmentation

Customer segmentation is one of these topics that are defined in a multitude of different ways. And while all these definitions may be in some way correct, they tell more about the person‘s understanding of the subject than of the subject itself! The question is whether segmentation is a business application,

Data for Good
Ross Kaplan 1
Is it fraud or abuse?

When discussing fraud and abuse, it often (very often) becomes a philosophical discussion of whether aberrant activities are fraudulent or abusive. The quick difference being that fraudulent is intentional and abuse is not.  The distinction quickly becomes an issue of legal and illegal as opposed to right and wrong. What

Peter Dorrington 0
After-show roundup

Well, that’s another year of PBLS completed and I have really enjoyed my first conference in sunny Orlando (when I would normally be worrying about the first winter frosts at home in the UK). With luck, I will be able to attend next year when the conference returns to Las

Peter Dorrington 0
Strategy is innovation

When companies launch innovation initiatives, they typically focus all of their time and energy on a feverish quest for the big breakthrough idea. But that initial spark of inspiration is merely a starting point. The real innovation challenge lies beyond the idea, in a long, complex journey from imagination to

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