USA Today recently published an article titled 10 retailers take two-thirds of your money. The story highlights the revenue distribution among the Top 100 retailers in the S&P 1500. It was startling to see that such a small number of retail powerhouses take in such a large percentage of consumers’ income.
Every year rowers get faster, records are broken, medals are won, but can this trajectory continue? Rowing as a sport lends itself well to data analysis and at the British Rowing Sports Science and Medicine Conference earlier this year I shared some insights the rowing community has gleaned from the
You know that feeling when all your ducks appear to be in a row, all the numbers add up, all the boxes have been checked, but you’ve still got a sneaking suspicion that something is wrong? I’m not talking just gut feel here, more along the lines of, “The logic
When the executives in an organisation start evaluating whether or not they should embark on a marketing automation journey, they are obviously going to ask themselves what return they should expect from doing so. Likely to be factored in to the evaluation process are obvious drivers such as reduced acquisition
You might have lots of data on lots of customers, but imagine if you could suddenly add in a huge dollop of new, highly informative data that you weren’t able to access before. You could then use analytics to extract some really important insights about these customers, allowing you to
After reading Gartner's 2015 Hadoop adoption study results by Analysts Nick Heudecker and Merv Adrian, the first thing that comes to my mind is Goethe's phrase from Egmont, "Himmelhoch jauchzend, zu Tode betrübt." Translated: heavenly joy, deadly sorrow. What happened to yesterday's hype around the cute yellow elephant - which
This month we take a fresh analytical view of our hypothetical VirtualOil portfolio by comparing the forward price of WTI (the green line) to the prompt month price (red line). The resulting graphic (chart 1) demonstrates the relative stability of the 48-month forward price in contrast to a very active spot
The analytical lifecycle is iterative and interactive in nature. The process is not a one and done exercise, insurance companies need to continuously evaluate and manage its growing model portfolio. In the last of four articles on the analytical lifecycle, this blog will cover the model management process. Model management
The real reason companies cleanse the historical demand is that traditional forecasting solutions were unable to predict sales promotions or correct the data automatically for shortages, or outliers. To address the short comings of traditional technology, companies embedded a cleansing process of adjusting the demand history for shortages, outliers, and
A proof of concept (POC) is smartest way for customers to evaluate if a product meets the required objectives, and the best way for vendors to demonstrate why they feel they are best placed to resolve the current outstanding problems. However, not all POCs are successful. Let’s explore why. What is