
Anne-Lindsay Beall
Senior Editor

Anne-Lindsay Beall is a writer and editor for SAS. Since joining the company in 2000, Anne-Lindsay has edited print publications, Web sites, customer success stories, blogs and digital publications. She has a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s degree in English from North Carolina State University. You can find her on LinkedIn at:

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Markdowns: Don't lose your shirt

At the NRF BIG Show in NYC this week, one of the hottest topics is what retailers can do with high-performance analytics.  One major retailer has been able to determine optimal prices for as many as 270 million items each week, from 30 to two hours, run advanced markdown optimization

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BIG news from the NRF BIG Show

What brings more than 20,000 retailers to NYC in mid-January? I can promise you, it’s not the balmy 15 degree temperatures --  it’s the 101st NRF BIG SHOW, where SAS is a platinum sponsor. This is my first year attending this event – and it’s a bit overwhelming, so here’s a

Customer Intelligence
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Are we too close to customers?

At SAS, our marketing and R&D divisions work together with customers to develop software products. Droves of our developers attend SAS users group conferences to talk to customers, demo new technologies and get user feedback. We have three customer advisory boards who tell us how they’re using SAS products, what

SAS = Analytics

At the SAS analyst event in Steamboat, CO, in March, SAS CEO Jim Goodnight shared some interesting stats with attendees: Even in 2010's tough economy, SAS experienced 5.2 percent worldwide growth in US dollars. On top of that, SAS is still building new facilities, still winning workplace awards, and this