
Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Ana Beotas 0
Retail: Claves para liderar la experiencia CX en el entorno físico y digital

A pesar de la inminente vuelta a la normalidad, o la paulatina recuperación del turismo global, la inflación vuelve a ocupar todos los titulares e informativos. Mientras se da este aumento de los precios, y la mayoría de las empresas se esfuerzan por reconstruir sus reservas de stock tras la experiencia

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Andrew Fowkes 0
Creating a personalised retail experience that stands out from the crowd

Nearly everyone in retail knows the value of personalisation. Getting there, however, can be a problem. Here’s how your retail store can be a business that better understands the customer. Personalising the shopping experience is the surest way to the consumer’s pocket. Consumers buy more and buy more often when

Machine Learning
Oliver Sheerin 0
Part 1: Marketing analytics is broken. Could intelligent automation fix it?

"According to Gartner, “over 50% of senior marketing leaders are unimpressed with the results they receive from marketing analytics investments” – yet most companies expect to increase these investments over the next few years. How can we avoid throwing good money after bad?" By Oliver Sheerin, Senior Customer Intelligence Advisor, SAS. When

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