For part 7 of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing mathematician, former colleague, and data science “rock star” Longhow Lam. Since there’s no need for an office for his one-person company, we decided to meet for lunch in a very hot (31 degrees) and sunny Amstelveen city
Data governance is not an old concept; at SAS we have been pitching data governance benefits for years. However, it is often seen as something that is nice to have, even though it is a recognized method for mitigating risk, increasing operational efficiency, and enabling innovation. This is the first
Gartner expects artificial intelligence (AI) to create 2 million new jobs by 2025. AI and machine learning are already an important part of business processes and business areas in many companies and organisations, making everyday work easier, optimising interactions with customers, reliably predicting the failure of machines or supporting the
Amy Shepherd, a recent graduate from The University of Nottingham, has spent the summer as an intern at SAS UK. As a last task we have asked her to share her final thoughts on what it's been like to undertake an internship. My time here at SAS has been varied to say the least, I arrived
Whether we talk about improving customer experience, applying chat bots, preventing fraud, realising IoT applications like predictive maintenance, implementing credit scoring or claims management, or just automating internal processes, analytics and eventually AI will have a profound impact on these large and small decisions. Across all industries the discipline of
In what Forrester describes as “the age of the customer,” customer experience has become the decisive differentiator between brands. Consumers want fast, easy access to information and personalised experiences unique to them. Knowing your customers’ preferences, habits and behaviours needs to be a top priority for every company. However, a
Os dados são o novo ouro da economia. O combustível que leva as empresas ao sucesso. Estas afirmações (ou parecidas) já foram referidas por diversos especialistas. Mas há algo muito importante a ter em conta. É completamente diferente recolher dados para ter conhecimento, de ter uma estratégia orientada a dados,
Every day, billions* are spent on equipment and services to run operations, maintain asset life cycle and develop new business. Procurement is big business, and that makes it an attractive target for criminals. PwC estimates that almost 30% of organisations have been hit by procurement fraud in the last year.
IFRS 17 will mean major changes for insurers. My previous blog post discussed questions that would need to be considered about accounting and financial impact, as well as how to manage stakeholders. This post considers implementation, and particularly questions about IT. IFRS 17 is not due to come into force
As ferramentas analíticas de BI self-service estimulam os utilizadores com formas fáceis de obter respostas, orientadas por dados, a questões de negócio. Por outro lado, os sistemas corporativos tornaram-se uma marca registada da inteligência de negócio porque resolvem questões importantes, como a qualidade, consistência e governação aprimorada dos dados. As