
Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Noura Ayache 0
Prise de décision partagée et transformation personnelle sur le parcours de la Business Value de l'analytique

On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Harry Snart 0
Transforming public sector customer experience with composite AI

Introduction In an era of high connectivity and instant gratification, the expectations of customer experience have never been higher. Customers do not simply want but rather expect accessible and responsive communication across a variety of channels. And for organisations, the risks have never been higher. Disgruntled users now have the

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Caroline S Payne 0
Accelerate the UK forward with digital transformation across government #BuildBackBetter

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware

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