A few years ago, PwC announced that procurement fraud was the second-most commonly reported economic crime worldwide. It’s a broad term, covering everything from bid rigging and supplier collusion to duplicate invoicing and expenses fraud. In a nutshell, though, it’s what happens when your employees or supplier network fiddle the
Se nos perguntarmos qual a importância de um digital twin, podemos desde já considerar o exemplo da NASA durante a crise com a Apollo 13, e tal como foi dramatizado no filme “Apollo 13”, quando peças disponíveis aos astronautas foram colocadas numa mesa e solicitado a uma equipa de engenheiros,
Grappige TV-reclame, of Artificial Intelligence? Gelukkig heb ik meer verstand van verzekeren! Kent u deze slogan nog? De non-millenials onder ons vast nog wel. De tussenpersoon van de RVS (dat was een verzekeraar, beste millenial. En een tussenpersoon was: …laat maar…). Leuke TV-commercials waren het. Maar ja, waar zien we
As I have mentioned before, I am a gamer. I am also a hobbyist game developer and an employee. So it probably won’t come as a surprise that I am also interested in gamification. This is the use of game-like techniques in nongame contexts, especially but not exclusively business, with the
In the first part of this series, I argued that dealing with artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics is not a purely philosophical or sociopolitical issue. One thing is clear: The ethics debates will continue this year, and they will be more about the realistic possibilities and risks of AI. Companies
As machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities develop in leaps and bounds, we are seeing the fulfilment of concepts and ideas that only a few years ago seemed like pure science fiction. Every day seems to bring a new story of how AI will help humans do what we
Application fraud now accounts for 20 percent of all fraud losses in banking. So why is it still flying under the radar for many financial institutions? One reason is that many banks and lenders still write off application fraud losses as “bad debt” rather than fraud. In other words, they
“We have a data lake. Nowadays, who needs a data warehouse too? That’s totally antiquated. It’s an obsolete model.” I often hear this kind of sentiment in my consulting work with clients. Dynamic analytics and digitisation teams face what they see as antiquated systems that are in urgent need of
So you want to achieve business outcomes, and very likely data and analytics can help. But how? You know what you want to achieve, but you are not experts in data and analytics. We are experts of data and analytics, but we don’t know what you want to achieve. How
Caros leitores, Bem-vindos ao Hidden Insights! Este será um espaço de partilha onde vamos poder discutir os mais variados temas à volta da importância e impacto que as soluções analíticas têm no Mundo atual e nas nossas vidas. Estamos na era da Inteligência Artificial, da Internet das coisas, do Edge, da Cloud