Risk and finance teams know more about each other’s worlds than at any time since risk emerged from finance.
Quantitative risk and finance modeling is no different. Data scientists use a mix of old and new technologies and algorithms.
Which measures financial services can take to keep their customers complaints at a minimum.
Analytics-based approaches in healthcare offer a new way of thinking about fraud. They are able to predict potential events.
The “last mile” is well known in telecommunications and supply chains. Now we face it in the analytical world as well. Read why!
SASChat - Innovation@scale on 14 November. A vivid twitter discussion on how innovation projects become revenue generating services.
SAS study (i.p. w. Harvard Business Review, Accenture, Intel) to learn more about how companies are enhancing their business.
Two pieces of advice stood out for me in Tom Siebel's book: re-educate your leadership team and pick your partners carefully.
The connection between SAS Viya and the Austrian mountains Friends from Tyrol recently visited me in Burgenland at Lake Neusiedl. Tyrol is an area famous for really high mountains. Tourists from all over the world come to Tyrol to experience the fantastic views and hikes. So my friends laughed when
Vivemos um tempo onde, quer nos sectores produtivos da nossa economia, quer em toda a área de prestação de serviços, se tem vindo a perspectivar a introdução de novas tecnologias de automatização de tarefas. Os avanços científicos e a maturidade de conhecimento que foram sendo alcançados num conjunto vasto de