Gli avvenimenti delle ultime settimane si sono velocemente imposti sulle nostre routine lavorative e non, stravolgendole. In meno di un mese l’Italia, e poco dopo tutta l’Europa, si è trovata ad affrontare una grave epidemia con delle restrizioni drastiche ma necessarie. #restateacasa è diventato l’imperativo da rispettare e la maggior
Gespräch mit Ranga Yogeshwar über die Chancen von Krisen. Miteinander mehr in andere Länder blicken. Und die KI? Was wird aus ihr?
Most organisations that must maintain a physical network have similar challenges in keeping their networks safe and operational. Whether you run an energy distribution network, a telecommunications network, or a road, rail or canal network, you need to keep it clear of obstructions. And one of the biggest culprits tends
Nos primeiros dias e semanas de qualquer problema de saúde global generalizado, particularmente num surto de rápida evolução como o coronavírus, existem muitas incógnitas. A visualização de dados pode ser um bom ponto de partida para perceber tendências e transformar dados dispersos em algo útil. A capacidade de visualizar a
To foster digital business transformation, banks need to redesign both internal and customer-facing processes to embed data-driven decision-making.
Im Gespräch mit Wissenschaftsministerin von Baden-Württemberg Theresia Bauer und prenode Gründern Dr. Schüritz und Dr. Hirt.
#WirvsVirus: Die Corona-Krise ist zur Offenbarung geworden. Sie zeigt, wo die digitalfittesten Köpfe sitzen: mitten unter uns im Home-Office.
Our customers confirmed that it really does not matter to them whether the selection of goods, pricing or advertising are chosen by machine, or by a human buyer.
Noch vor wenigen Jahren waren Zahlung und Geldtransfer eines der am wenigsten spannenden Themen im Bankwesen. Das hat sich völlig geändert.
Customer experience is a team sport - insurance industry claims processing