
Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Working from home. With kids.

Over the last few weeks, the world has experienced unprecedented events. The current situation with COVID-19 continues to develop rapidly, and it’s requiring parents to think outside the box to solve problems – from home. With their new, sometimes invasive co-workers. Their kids. Parents don’t cease to be parents when

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Ringing In a New Goal

It’s already mid-January and some of those resolutions/goals/fresh starts whatever-you-want-to-call-them are getting hard.  Maybe you’re re-evaluating. I’ve set my sights on a Spartan SPRINT this year.  As a 2x IRONMAN finisher, I’m no stranger to running or super challenging athletic events, so as far at that 5K run, I’m good. 

Work & Life at SAS
Kim Andreaus 0
Caregiving and the Holidays

If you are a caregiver, the holiday season may bring less Peace and Good Tidings, and more Stress and Frustration.  If you are already feeling overwhelmed with caregiving responsibilities, the holidays may feel more of a burden than a joy.  I think it is fair to say that the holidays are

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