
Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 1
Dance your HEART out!

Our cardiovascular systems are "complex arrangements of hydraulic, yet living, components" (Swain, 2000). Just as water must constantly flow at varied rates through a water system in a city, blood must also circulate rhythmically throughout our bodies to keep us vibrant and healthy.  The heart drives the entire system.  We get more efficient at

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 2
Bring on the loving kindness!

Living in a society where the pressure to succeed is on as early as preschool and time moves so fast it sometimes feels hard to breathe, I’ve found meditation to be cheap therapy for my generally order-driven, perfectionist self.  It’s during this time, I quiet the chatter, nurture my spirituality,

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Health: Make it a habit

The New Year is one of my favorite times at the gym.  Fresh, ambitious faces show up in their bright new workout clothes and fancy new shoes.  There are gadgets – arm bands, Garmin watches, weight gloves, and the latest water bottles.  Classes are full.  The pool has a slight

Work & Life at SAS
Pam Cole 0
Help, I’ve overindulged!

As a fitness and health professional, I know better.  But I still find myself splurging on my favorite comfort foods (burritos, pizza, pasta, etc).  Okay, maybe splurge is too mild of a word. I admit it. I tend to go totally overboard at times!  What I’m talking about is eating

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