Stretches the hips, ankles and shoulders while opening chest and lengthening spine. Cow Face Pose (Sanskrit: Gomukhasana)
It was like any other day in autumn. The brightly covered leaves that had once been attached to the cascading tree branches had finally let go. The summer heat had taken its toll and there they were lying on the ground fading into the Earth’s surface. I remember looking out
Did you know that socks are one of the most needed but least donated items at homeless shelters? Or that 4,000 people will experience homelessness each year in Wake County alone? To bring awareness to this need and to encourage YOU to make a difference by donating socks to your local
I jumped down the rabbit hole of essential oils (EOs) and aromatherapy ~18 years ago and never looked back. Smell is one of the strongest connections we have to memory. My first experience with essential oil occurred during a massage when the therapist used Lilac. I immediately thought of my
Oh, man! What's happening? I just can't figure out what's going on. I'm tired. Exhausted actually. I don't feel well. I just want my energy back! We've all been there. Sometimes more often that we'd like. Sounds like it's time for a reboot. How do we reboot the human body?
No really, don't get up. If you are curious about yoga and want to try a gentle practice, chair yoga may be just what you need (even if you don't know it yet). Whether you are in a desk chair, a conference room chair, or a wheel chair, you can sit and simultaneously become more fit. The
Benefits: Strengthens ankles, calves, quads and hamstrings. Lengthens spine and assists in opening the chest and shoulders. Great balancing pose. Warrior 3 (Sanskrit: Virabhadrasana III )
Stretches the front of the body, ankles, thighs, abdomen, chest, throat and hip flexors. Strengthens back muscles and improves posture. Bow Pose (Sanskrit: Dhanurasana)
In June, my husband and I completed this silly race called Storm the Beach – totally out of my norm, it was only 5 miles 🙂 and included things like climbing, crawling, wading through the ocean, balancing, rope swinging, and running through soft sand. It was nuts, but so fun, and
Strengthens and stretches legs, knees and ankles. Stretches groins, spine, chest, lungs and shoulders. Stimulates abdominal organs and aids in digestion. Improves balance and increases stamina. Revolved Twist/Side Angle Pose (Sanskrit: Parivrtta Parsvakonasana) From High Lunge pose with left foot forward, place hands at heart center. Make sure the front