
Work & Life at SAS
Pam Cole 0
Experience Your New Possible

I love this SAS theme.  For SAS users it hints at the power that SAS analytics provides to their businesses.  Software so amazing it has the “ability to transform what was impossible into the entirely possible”. Fitness shares that same sense of hope and inspiration.  It has the ability to

Work & Life at SAS
Pam Cole 0
Celebrating Mother Earth

I love to walk.  It takes just a couple of minutes and I am completely immersed in all the beauty that nature has to offer.  Here in North Carolina we’re currently enjoying the flowering magnolia and cherry trees, the last of the daffodils, tulips that began to open just a

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 2
Our Second Brain

Have you ever experienced that “gut feeling” ….you know the one that’s trying to tell you something and you don’t know why?  I remember having a feeling I couldn’t quite explain fifteen years ago. There was a job opportunity in Canada.  As a way to entice moving there, I was provided

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