
Rebecca Allen
Recreation and Fitness Program Coordinator Wellness

Rebecca E. Allen is passionate about helping others develop and nurture practices of well-being.   She earned her BS in Sociology and MA in Exercise and Sport Science and holds fitness certifications from ACE, AFAA,, IFTA, and Tai Chi for Health Institute.  She is a Medical Exercise Specialist and is registered with Yoga Alliance as a 500 RYT. Rebecca enjoys long walks in the woods with her husband, Chip Davis.

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
RFC Move of the Month - ROW

Looking for ways to add some variability to your routine?  Try these row options.  You can choose one or all as you focus on your back while keeping your core engaged.  The row incorporates almost every muscle involved in moving your shoulder and your elbow.  It also relies on muscles of

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Gratitude adds life to years

Longevity research represents facts and figures related to one's accumulation of years on this planet.  Hawaiians top the charts in the US with a life expectancy of 80 years while, believe it or not, DC represents the lowest at 72 years.  NC, although known for delicacies like sweet tea and barbeque,

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Keep your seat - Chair yoga

No really, don't get up.  If you are curious about yoga and want to try a gentle practice, chair yoga may be just what you need (even if you don't know it yet).  Whether you are in a desk chair, a conference room chair, or a wheel chair, you can sit and simultaneously become more fit. The

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 1
Dance your HEART out!

Our cardiovascular systems are "complex arrangements of hydraulic, yet living, components" (Swain, 2000). Just as water must constantly flow at varied rates through a water system in a city, blood must also circulate rhythmically throughout our bodies to keep us vibrant and healthy.  The heart drives the entire system.  We get more efficient at