
Chris Hemedinger 0
Yeah, I've got that problem too.

I just read about how Bill Gates has too many friends to keep up with on Facebook. Social networking is tough for social butterflies like Bill and myself. If only there was some sort of tool to help me sift through my friend data and help me categorize it.

Learn SAS
Shelly Goodin 0
Do you believe in magic?

Last weekend, I joined the merry band of muggles who descended on theaters across America to catch the opening weekend of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Although not strictly by the book, the movie captured the teenage angst and special brand of magic that makes this particular novel

Angela Hall 0
Creating a Date Range Prompt in Web Report Studio

Getting a date prompt that filters on a range of dates requires an Information Map with a date variable that exists twice on the Information Map, two different prompts, and application of both within a Web Report Studio Report. Included are steps to get this to work. Within Information Map

John West 0
Technology and Patience

I’m a self-described bookworm who’s been a little slow on the upstart with cutting-edge technology and the social media that’s intertwined with much of how we go about our daily routines. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t like technology, I love it and I marvel at how

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
SAS pays me to write this blog

On a Monday July 20 segment of consumer advocate Clark Howard’s radio show, Clark discussed the common practice of hidden payments to influential bloggers. Apparently these high-tech shills pocket the payola, and then make favorable postings about particular products or services. According to Clark, there are new rules to prevent

Kirsten Hamstra 0
Welcome to SAS Publishing's Open Mic, the stage is yours

Publishing is a rapidly changing business. As technology continues to revolutionize the way we consume information, one thing seems to remain constant – “content is king.” SAS Publishing recognizes that our customers now carry Kindles, visit online discussion forums for solutions, edit wikis with sample code and ask programming questions

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
Just how naive are you?

Aren’t the internets wonderful? Just today I was trying to find the antonym of “naïve” and came across several terrific choices (sophisticated, worldly, well-informed, and intelligent) and one that didn’t make any sense (svelte???). However, upon further review at Merriam-Webster.com, I discovered that in addition to slender, lithe, and sleek

Chris Hemedinger 0
What's your style?

When you create SAS Enterprise Guide projects, what's your approach? Do you cram the process flow with thousands of nodes? Do you create different projects for each work task? Do you like one big SAS program? Or a bunch of little programs all linked together? That's the question that Michael

Angela Hall 0
Update Library Metadata via EG GUI Interface

Instead of writing proc metalib statements, SAS has a custom task that you can download into Enterprise Guide. This interface provides non-SAS coders a quick mechanism to register new tables created on the server to the Metadata Library. http://support.sas.com/demosdownloads/setupcat.jsp?cat=SAS%20Enterprise%20Guide

Chris Hemedinger 0
Twitter and SAS, together again

Last year I posted a method to "mine" Twitter tweets for public sentiment after the vice-presidential debate. Patrick McLeod (University of Texas) recently posted an article showing how he adapted the method to analyze a category of tweets with the #iranelection tag. You can do fancier tricks with SAS and

Chris Hemedinger 0
Yeah! What he said!

SAS programmers can often be (um...let's see...how best to put this...) set in their ways -- at least when it comes to their SAS work. This is due in part to the nature of SAS. The SAS program that you wrote 20 years ago in Version 5 probably still works

Chris Hemedinger 0
"Manly yes, but I like it too..."

AnnMaria's blog describing her acceptance of SAS Enterprise Guide, despite the shortcomings she's found, reminded me of this Irish Spring commercial. I'd like to take the time to craft a more thoughtful response to her post, but that will have to wait for a less-hectic day. In the meantime, I

Chris Hemedinger 0
Hear me now and believe me later

SAS-sponsored podcasts, including a few from yours truly, are available on www.sas.com. Interested in hearing from a variety of SAS authors? There are dozens of interviews available on the SAS Press site. For example, listen to the authors of the "Little SAS Book" series, Susan and Lora, as they reveal

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Web Parts for Microsoft Sharepoint

The content for this post comes from David Henderson, lead software developer for the SAS Web Parts for Microsoft Sharepoint. David talks about these and other ideas for SAS-Sharepoint integration in his SAS Global Forum paper. We are pleased to announce the availability of SAS Web Parts 1.1 for Microsoft

Chris Hemedinger 0
Too cool for skew

"…the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians…" That's a quote from Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist. It surfaced in an online interview months ago, but it's been getting a lot of play lately. Mr. Varian goes on to say: The ability to take data—to be able

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
Fast times at F2009

This morning kicks off F2009, the fourth annual Business Forecasting Conference held at SAS world headquarters in Cary, NC. We are again hosting a broad mix of thought leaders, academic researchers, and industry and government practitioners. Pre-registration included 230 attendees spanning 79 commercial organizations, government agencies, and universities, from an

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
First, do no harm

Did Hippocrates really say this? Probably not, for among other reasons he spoke Ancient Greek and not Modern English. However, such mere technicality should not distract us from the importance of this oath for forecasters. Please place your hand over your heart and say with me: First, do no harm.

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