
Angela Hall 0
jBoss performance improvement

BI/EBI SAS deployed Web Applications actually are .ear files residing in the deploy_sas folder of jBoss. This could create a delay in reboot time if memory on the server is limited. Included are the steps to deploy these .ear files into full folders that dramatically improve the restart time of

Chris Hemedinger 0

Read how Stacey and Christine are working to join the ranks of the certified (and not the certifiable, we hope). I'm sure that PROC CERTIFY (as they've dubbed it) is an example of one proc that won't end with a QUIT; but with a RUN;

Shelly Goodin 0
Operation PROC CERTIFY; begins!

Becoming SAS Certified is no easy task. Don't you have the fondest memories of studying for the SAT or GRE? Late nights poring over practice exams, running through vocabulary flashcards with study partners, and attending prep courses. What I remember most was the absolute rush of relief upon finishing these

Angela Hall 0
jBoss Issue Related to Excessive Debugging in Logs

New jBoss installs might store excessive logging due to a malformed comment in log4j.properties that threw JBoss into a debug state on startup. There was a comment tag in the jboss-log4j.xml file something like !-- -------------Add new line here à All of the additional hyphens were causing the SASServer1 to

Angela Hall 0
Favorite Things about the SAS 9.2 EBI and BI Installations

After completing several SAS 9.2 BI and EBI installations, I must profess my love for the improvements: greener! - cds shipped by customer request only, default is Electronic Download faster! less manual steps fewer system user accounts many more sample plans available for more 'standard' installs significant reduction in post-install

Chris Hemedinger 0
Let's just call it 5 out of 5, shall we?

I was recently reviewing our most popular samples that we publish on support.sas.com, and I came across this one showing unusual uses for the ROUND function. As well as gathering lots of visits, this sample has also earned a very respectable rating by you, the readers. I note that we

Angela Hall 0
Differences in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 and 4.2

SAS Enterprise Guide uses HTML as the output default format. So for converted projects in SAS EG 4.2, there is a possible situation where the reports fail to view. Change the default back to HTML (or deploy SAS EG 4.2 with that format option selected). The option in 4.2 is

Angela Hall 0
jBoss to IIS Connections

You can utilize IIS on your standard web server to connect to the jBoss SAS Installation. There are three steps that must be followed to the T: 1. On IIS Machine A. Create a file location for the dll and properties files. (This location via be referenced via a virtual

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS takes you to school

This is one of the coolest uses of SAS I've seen: optimizing school reassignments. I spoke with paper coauthor Rob Pratt before SAS Global Forum this year about this topic. I found the project's origin interesting: CEO Jim Goodnight was chatting with the Wake County Schools superintendant at a cocktail

Angela Hall 0
Supporting a SAS Server Architecture

My prerogative has always been to share my knowledge with the entire SAS user community (hence this blog & all my SAS papers). For an approach to supporting the entire SAS Server Architecture, I presented a paper at the SGF 2009 conference and created a Wiki page in SASCommunity.org to

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
Text Mining Twitter

Personally, I don’t get Twitter. I have an account (mvgilliland) for anyone interested in not hearing any tweets from me. I follow a few people and have a few followers (including some that aren't porn bots) -- but what is the point? Does anyone really care that I’m out hanging

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS product pages from A to Z

From SAS/ACCESS (for working with databases) to SAS/ZODIAC* (for cranking out horoscopes), you'll be able to learn all you need to know about SAS products with the new product pages on support.sas.com. As of today, we're featuring just a handful of popular products within these pages. The product pages serve

Chris Hemedinger 0
Wisdom of Crowds

Can a crowd of thousands produce better answers than a few experts? That's the question that Sir Francis Galton asked in the 19th century and sought to statistically prove, one way or another. I recently watched an entertaining and informative segment about Galton and the so-called "wisdom of crowds" on

Learn SAS
George McDaniel 0
Connecting with fans

We talk a lot here about how we’re using social networking tools such as Twitter and Facebook to publicize our books. I was a late comer to these applications and, like a lot of people of my generation, came to them with a high degree of skepticism. I won’t say

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