
Angela Hall 0
PAM-enabled SAS Authentication - a caveat

We recently ran into a situation where a customer, with metadata and compute servers on Linux and mid-tier on windows, was trying to leverage the out-of-the-box Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) support of SAS 9.1.3. PAM allows SAS customers to keep their user management simple by granting users on a Linux

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS 9.2 support for Windows Server 2008

When I said the release was imminent, I wasn't kidding. It's now available. With SAS 9.2 Maintenance 2 we now have support for Windows Server 2008 (in addition to what we already had for SAS 9.1.3). This 9.2 Maintenance release also has various fixes and improvements not only to the

Angela Hall 0
Changes to the OLAP Viewer for EG 4.2

A couple of changes to the interface tripped me up this month. Included are some quick notes. 1. My Favorite Feature is the MDX Editor Since I create Stored Process Queries off of OLAP cubes, I start with the MDX Editor. (Writing MDX from scratch is very painful. Trust me.)

Chris Hemedinger 0
Other SAS blogs of NOTE:

Hello Knowledge Thirsters, Today I discovered that the NOTE: newsletter (pronounced /note colon/) has migrated to the blogosphere. I'm pleased and humbled to admit I've already learned a few things by reading it. This site and others like Angela's SAS BI blog, the "SAS Tips" site, and the cacophony of

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Shelly Goodin 0
My fifteen minutes

Last year, I was fortunate enough to attend David Pogue’s dynamic presentation at SAS on Web 2.0. In addition to being a popular New York Times columnist, author, and CBS news correspondent, to my delight, Mr. Pogue is also a former Broadway conductor. Experiencing Mr. Pogue’s one-man show, combining technology,

Angela Hall 0
Addressing Multiple Authentication Accounts

In SAS Management Console, administrators have the ability to include multiple user authentication models (ie user name/pwd combinations) for a single Metadata user account in the 'Accounts' tab. Administrators would then organize these by the Authentication Domain definition in SAS Management Console. The 'DefaultAuth' is the initial account used (unless

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS 9.1.3 on Windows Server 2008

I get this question all of the time on the discussion forum and this blog, so I feel I should help to spread the news. SAS now supports SAS 9.1.3 SP4 on Windows 2008 (32-bit edition). Here is the official statement. Update 07Oct2009: I changed this to indicate that the

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Stacey Hamilton 0
Learn from the past, look to the future

“We must all hang together, or assuredly, we shall all hang separately” —Benjamin Franklin Burlington, Vermont, 14 September—Here I sit in my room in the Burlington Hilton, damp from getting lost in a rainstorm walking around a small college town. I reflect: Why am I watching Monday Night Football instead

Angela Hall 0
Favorite Things about SAS 4.2 Enterprise Guide

Are you still debating on the move to the SAS 9.2 environment? Still? Here are some things I REALLY like in the new product. Good work SAS! Allows you to pick which Metadata Server to connect to on initiation. This is of EXTREME value to those who used multiple environments for development

Chris Hemedinger 0
They love us in Japan

At least, they will love us when they see that we've translated the SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 tutorial into Japanese and put it on the SAS support site. We've also got three flavors of Chinese (zh-TW, zh-CN, zh-HK) and Korean now available. These new editions join the Italian, German, Spanish,

Angela Hall 0
EG File Access Comes Alive in ZencosTV Video

After getting multiple requests by customers to perform this change and positive vibes from others on the prior blog post: http://sas-bi.blogspot.com/2009/02/sas-enterprise-guide-server-file-access.html I decided to bring the instructions to life in a ZencosTV Youtube Video. The video includes screens from Management Consoles for both 9.1.3 and 9.2 implementations.

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Kirsten Hamstra 0
Camera-ready at WUSS '09!

I checked our SAS Publishing Twitter account the other day, and was surprised to see that SAS Press contracted author Sy Troung had posted videos of attendees and SAS representatives from the Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) conference held in San Jose on September 1-3, 2009. What a cool

Angela Hall 0
Favorite Things about Web Report Studio 4.2

Included are a few of my favorite things about the new Web Report Studio 4.2 (for SAS 9.2 EBI Installations). CALENDAR for prompts/filters! Drag and Drop Variables in Report Widget Dynamic dropdown lists (one effects the other) Right Click Option Lists on Report Widgets Filters/Prompts on OLAP Mulit-Dim Sources Reference:

Angela Hall 0
Windows Installation Anywhere But The C: Drive?

You might notice that after completing a SAS installation with all prompted locations pointing to a 'non-standard' drive such as D or E, that there are still some files installed at the c:program filessas location. These are related to the JRE. There are currently no prompts for where this should

Angela Hall 0
Security for .sas files used by SAS Stored Processes

(SAS 9.2 Implementations) When saving SAS Stored Processes, the 'sassrv' internal user account is used to write the physical .sas files on the server. Security of these files (to reduce the users from overwritting other's .sas stored processes) can be accomplished via the Resource Management plug-in for SAS Management Console.

Angela Hall 0
Using Web Report Studio rather than Web Report Viewer from SAS Portal

(Information Below for 9.1.3 Environments) To modify the Web Report component used from SAS Portal, modify the PortalContent.xml located in the Installation Folder (such as c:Program FilesSASWebPortal2.0.1PortalWEB-INFcontent in windows) and then redeploy the Portal. (You can directly modify the same file in the Tomcat/webapps location, however modifying the installation folder

Angela Hall 0
Web Application Timeout Changes

Is the SAS Web Applications timeout of 30 minutes still too short? You can modify these by following editing the .xml files listed on page 15 of SAS Web Application Administration Guide. Here are the steps I took to update the Portal, SAS Web Report Studio and the SAS Stored

Chris Hemedinger 0
Nutty uses for SAS

Almost daily, I hear reports of scientific studies in which the researchers have used SAS for the data analysis. Typically I don't dig into the details because, frankly, the studies are usually way over my head. But this one about the effect of nut storage, nut size, and nut soaking

Chris Hemedinger 0
Lookin' professional

Thanks to the folks who support our web presence, this blog page has just received a facelift (but alas, the blogger has not). New colors, easier navigation with the breadcrumbs up top, and a new banner image that shows the SAS for Dummies cover (as if to say, "really, he's

Angela Hall 0
My Favorite SAS Resources

New and Long Standing SAS Customers alike ask for advice on where to find information to troubleshoot and learn about SAS. Included below is a running list of URLs that SAS Users can find useful for finding information! SAS Community     http://www.sascommunity.org SAS Conferences Paper Search     http://www.lexjansen.com/ SAS Support

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