
Anne-Lindsay Beall
Senior Editor

Anne-Lindsay Beall is a writer and editor for SAS. Since joining the company in 2000, Anne-Lindsay has edited print publications, Web sites, customer success stories, blogs and digital publications. She has a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a master’s degree in English from North Carolina State University. You can find her on LinkedIn at:

Citigroup and AIG talk big data

Jill Dyché, internationally recognized speaker, author and business consultant, spends her days talking to businesses about big data – how they’re using it, challenges, successes, strategies, plans and more. What she’s hearing again and again from IT leaders is that they have to innovate with big data, move quickly and

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WUSS 2011: By the numbers

Ready for some fun facts? These tidbits were all shared during the Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) conference held in San Francisco this week:    1.    How many million dollars did a simple Excel spreadsheet error cost TransAlta?  Answer: $24 million  2.    What percentage of mobile phone users older

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What’s new in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3

At the Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS)conference this morning, I witnessed my first Super Demo, taught by SAS’ own Andy Ravenna covering the major improvements to the latest version of SAS®  Enterprise Guide®. The coolest new new features: Mouse over tooltip – gives you help right in the program editor

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WUSS up San Francisco??

The Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) have the best acronym ever, and they're putting on an amazing conference in San Francisco this week.  The conference kicked off today with conference chairs Kathryn Valdes and Ginger Carey’s announcement that the Pacific Northwest Users Group is merging with WUSS next year, adding

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Look who's here: Part 2

From agriculture to wholesale, 29 industries were represented at SAS Global Forum 2010. Which industry was the most well-represented? Here's a breakdown of the top ten by percentage of attendees: 1. Government (13%) 2. Education (12%) 3. Healthcare insurance (10%) 4. Pharma (9%) 5. Consulting and systems integration (8%) 6.

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The numbers are in, and look who’s here!

If you’re at SAS Global Forum 2010, you’re in good company. This year’s conference attracted more than 3,000 attendees, with 20 percent travelling to Seattle from outside the US. Here’s a quick breakdown of the top 10 countries represented outside of the US: Canada: 182 Denmark: 49 Netherlands: 42 Brazil:

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Meet the 2010 User Feedback Award Winner: Monika Nauroth

Company: Santander Consumer Bank in Germany Title: Analytical Risk Expert Job responsibility: Developing risk scorecards Products: SAS Credit Scoring for Banking, SAS Enterprise Miner Thanks to her suggestions, bug reports and willingness to ask “What if?” Monika Nauroth helped SAS isolate problems and greatly improve usability and functionality in SAS

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Four award-winning SAS implementations

Meet the 2010 Enterprise Excellence Award Winners Want to cut processing time from hours to seconds? Save millions in operating costs? Then take a lesson from our 2010 Enterprise Excellence Award winners. Congratulations to these outstanding SAS customers who each took the stage last night to describe what they’ve accomplished

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Who attended SAS® Global Forum 2009?

The numbers are in and SAS Global Forum 2009 had strong attendance with 3,353 attendees. What do we know about the SAS professionals who gathered in Washington, DC, this week? • 25 percent of attendees traveled here from outside the United States. • The top 10 countries represented were: Canada,

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Today's highlights from the Conference Chair

~Contributed by Lori Griffin, Conference Chair~ Despite tight travel budgets, more than 3,200 people are registered for SAS Global Forum 2009 -- and 25 percent are from outside the US. Why do SAS users make this conference a priority, travelling hundreds, sometimes thousands of miles to attend? Because for 34

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Meet the SAS User Feedback Award winner

At Opening Session, Annette Harris, Vice President of SAS Technical Support told the audience that user feedback is one of the main ingredients for improving the decision-making power of SAS software. “We value your feedback…we encourage it…and we use it….to make our software better and more responsive to our customers’

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Flock together at Birds-of-a-Feather sessions

Have you heard fellow attendees talking about the “BOFs” and wondered what language they were speaking? The BOFs (Birds-of-a-Feather sessions) are informal discussion groups that give you the opportunity to meet up with other SAS® users and staff who share your specific interests. The BOFs will be held on the