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Data Management
Alison Bolen 0
Five questions with Jerry Williams

Jerry Williams is a Project Manager for Environmental Sustainability at SAS. What are you working on right now? There is so much going on…. No two days are ever quite the same. Some of my priority projects include: Balancing expectations of employees so passionate about stewardship while giving fair consideration

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Angela Hall 0
Free SAS Training Material

Did you know that there is a wealth of SAS Training Material for free? I have this bookmarked for reference material and continued education. Free Tutorials: UPDATED URL (2009Aug03) SAS Papers Online: Users Group Proceedings:

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
Mmm, dogfood

Here at SAS, we eat our own dogfood*. Actually, that's an understatement -- it's better to say that we feast on it. I've been using SAS 9.2 (released earlier this year) and SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 (not yet released) for many months (years, actually) to accomplish several tasks, including to

Data for Good
Rick Ingraham 0
Who is providing care?

As I head over to Moscone Friday morning, I keep thinking about one statistic I heard yesterday as presented by Dr. Sobel, The Permanente Medical Group: Who provides the largest source of care provision in the US? You do! 80% of all primary care is self-care. In today's age of

Ericka Wilcher 0
Saying no to silos

These days, “silo” has become a dirty word within organizations – full of negative connotations about curmudgeonly individuals or teams not playing well with others. But at the How to Compete on Analytics: Apply It event in San Francisco on June 4th, SAS speaker Bob Messier advised the audience to