When SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office was first created over a decade ago, SAS programmers were told to check their skills at the door. This new product was for non-programmers only. SAS programmers were invited to contribute to the experience by packaging their code in SAS stored processes, which end
Search Results: add-in for microsoft office (52)
Geht es Ihnen nicht auch so? Ich liebe Excel! Von „Mal schnell was ausrechnen…“ bis zur Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung für die Steuererklärung ein rundum gelungenes Programm, bei dem man komplexe Formeln direkt da hin schreiben kann, wo sie berechnet werden und man sogar noch genügend Formatierungsmöglichkeiten hat, um nachher was
SAS' Leonid Batkhan summarizes a lesser known but useful feature in SAS that allows you to bring Microsoft Excel functions into your SAS programs.
Have you adopted use of Microsoft Office 365? How has working "in the cloud" affected your integration with SAS applications? SAS product management wants to hear from you.
Here in the SAS Performance Lab, we’re seeing more and more SAS sites moving their SAS® 9 application workloads to Windows Server 2012. Now that we’ve had sufficient time to gather feedback from early implementers of SAS on these systems, we thought you might want a recap of some of
It's true: you can use the Microsoft Visual Studio Express tools to build custom tasks for SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. And I said as much in my book, Custom Tasks for SAS Enterprise Guide Using Microsoft .NET. I even provided step-by-step instructions for how
As part of my follow-up to SAS Global Forum 2013, I've posted a few articles about how to create your own client apps with SAS Integration Technologies. This article shows how to use Microsoft .NET -- the same approach used for SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office
The content for this post comes from David Henderson, lead software developer for the SAS Web Parts for Microsoft Sharepoint. David talks about these and other ideas for SAS-Sharepoint integration in his SAS Global Forum paper. We are pleased to announce the availability of SAS Web Parts 1.1 for Microsoft
Whether you like it or not, Microsoft Excel is still a big hit in the data analysis world. From small to big customers, we still see fit for daily routines such as filtering, generating plots, calculating items on ad-hoc analysis or even running statistical models. Whenever I talk to customers,
SAS Enterprise Guide(EG)で簡単にPythonなどオープンソース・コードを実行できる方法を紹介します。 1.オープンソースコード実行用タスク(OST)の概要 2.事前設定 3.EGでの使用方法 4.AMOでの使用方法 1.オープンソースコード実行用タスク(OST)の概要 SAS Enterprise Guide(EG)は直感的なユーザインタフェース上で、マウスの簡単操作で、透過的にデータにアクセスし、様々な分析用タスクを活用し、データの準備から加工・変換、集計・分析、レポート作成に至る一連の作業をグラフィカルなフロー図として描き、実行することができるツールです。 一方、多くの組織ではPython, Rなど様々なオープンソースのスキルを持つデータサイエンティストが混在することが多く、こうしたオープンソース(OS)とのコラボレーションも必要になってきています。従来、EGとPythonなどOSと連携する際には、データでのやりとりが必要でした。例えば、EGで作成したデータをエクスポートし、OSユーザに渡して処理してもらうか、その逆か、になります。 都度このようにデータをやりとりするには手間と時間がかかりますし、データやPythonコードなどの管理も課題となります。こうした課題を解決する手段の一つとして、カスタムタスクを活用することができます。 カスタムタスク:EGには、数多くのタスク(データ準備用タスク、分析用タスク、など)が実装されています。このタスクは顧客ニーズに応じてカスタムで作成し、活用することができるようになっています。SASのサポートサイトからカスタムタスクを作成するためのテンプレートをダウンロードし、使用することができるようになっています。カスタムタスクの作成方法の詳細に関しては、次回のブログでご紹介します。 オープンソースコード実行用タスク(OST):OSTはOpenSourceTaskの略で、EGカスタムタスクのテンプレートに基づいて開発されています。OSTを使用することで、EG上で簡単にPythonコードを実行することができ、GUIベースの簡単マウス操作でPythonコードを再利用し、EG上で、標準実装のタスクとOSTを活用し、連携してアナリティクス作業を完結することができます。これによって、様々異なる分析スキル(GUIユーザー、SAS言語ユーザー、OS言語ユーザー)を連携し、有効活用することが可能となります。また、この分析処理は自動化することも可能です。 次にPythonコード実行用のOSTの使用方法を紹介します。EGのバージョンは8.2を使用したものです。 2.事前設定 ・Python環境の確認 まずSAS9サーバ側にPython環境がインストールされていることを確認してください。Pythonの環境がない場合は、PythonまたAnacondaなどPythonのruntimeをインストールする必要があります。 ・SAS9サーバーの設定 SAS9のSMC(SAS Management Console)を起動し、以下の画面を開きます。 「Environment Management」>「Server Manager」> 「SASApp」>「SASApp Logical Workspace Server」>「SASApp - Workspace」を右クリックし、「Properties」をクリックし 以下の設定でXCMDの実行を許可します。 「Options」タブ >「Advanced Options」>「Launch Properties」で「Allow XCMD」をチェックし、「OK」をクリックします。 設定を有効するにはシステムのObject Spawnerのサービスを再起動する必要があります。 ・OSTパッケージの取り込み OSTパッケージをダウンロードし、展開したCustomフォルダをEG(またAMO)のインストール先(以下画面ショットのロケーション)にコピーします。そのほか、臨時ファイル保存と作業用フォルダC:/Customを作成し、準備作業が完了です。 これで、OSTが使用できる状態になります。 3.EG上の使用方法 まず EGを起動し、処理対象データを選択します。今回はSASHELPライブラリ内にある「CLASS」を選びます。データを選択した状態で、タスクリストのSAS
One of the features of SAS Grid Manager (and SAS Grid Manager for Platform) introduced in SAS 9.4 M6 is the capability for the grid provider software to handle open-source workloads in addition to traditional SAS jobs. In this post, we’ll take a look at the steps required to get your SAS Grid Manager environment set up to utilize this functionality, and we’ll demonstrate the process of submitting Python code for execution in the SAS Grid.
In seinem Gastbeitrag stellt Metacoda sechs nützliche kostenfreie Tools zur Metadatenanalyse vor. SAS Platform-Administratoren, die mit der SAS Management Console arbeiten, kennen die potenziellen Hürden beim Thema Metadatenanalyse und beim Zugriff auf Coding-Benutzeroberflächen. Aber diesen Herausforderungen ist nun dank Metacoda beizukommen – mit sechs kostenfreien Tools. 1. Metadata Explorer
Last week I described how to use PROC IOMOPERATE to list the active SAS sessions that have been spawned in your SAS environment. I promised that I would share a custom task that simplifies the technique. Today I'm sharing that task with you. How to get the SAS Spawned Processes
If you're a SAS administrator, you probably know that you can use SAS Management Console to view active SAS processes. These are the SAS sessions that have been spawned by clients such as SAS Enterprise Guide or SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office, or those running SAS stored processes. But did
I returned to work from a 2+ week vacation this morning. When I fired up SAS Enterprise Guide (as I do each work day and occasionally on weekends), I was greeted with this message: As a SAS insider, I knew this was coming. It's a new feature that was added
If you have not yet discovered the new Ask the Expert series on the SAS Training site, you are missing out on a treasure. Visit the site right now and review all of the available topics, from "Newbie" to Analytics to Visualization to good ol' SAS programming. Go on; I'll
To develop a custom task for use in SAS Enterprise Guide (or SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office), you need a few things: A working knowledge of SAS and SAS Enterprise Guide Microsoft Visual Studio (the free Express edition will do, though the Professional edition is better) Some experience with C#
Hello, 1992 called. They want their DDE Excel automation back. Perhaps the title of this article is too pessimistic. Of course your SAS programs that use DDE (dynamic data exchange) can still work perfectly, as long as you situate your SAS software and its DDE "partner" (usually Microsoft Excel) to
Most organizations enjoy a plethora of SAS user types—batch programmers and interactive users, power users and casual—and all variations in between. Each type of SAS user has its own needs and expectations, and it’s important that your SAS Grid Manager environment meets all their needs. One common solution to this
This probably won't surprise any of my regular readers: "SAS custom tasks" is one of my favorite topics to talk about. Since 2007, I've written blogs about how you can use custom tasks to extend SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. I've shared lots of examples,
SAS Global Forum starts for me in the fall of the prior year. This is when you submit your ideas for papers and then wait patiently for many months to learn if it was selected. I enjoy writing and presenting ideas, so here are my topics and what inspired them.
Recency, Frequency, and Monetary Analysis (or RFM) is a popular customer segmentation technique employed by database marketers everywhere. Marketers use RFM to identify which customers are most likely to respond to a direct marketing campaign. The model takes into account three simple metrics: How recently did the customer buy from
Microsoft Windows 8 has been with us for a year, and its first major update -- Windows 8.1 -- has just arrived. So how does SAS support these Windows 8 platforms? The answer can be found on support.sas.com in SAS Note 46876. I'll summarize it here: SAS 9.3 and SAS
With the release of SAS 9.4 (which included SAS/STAT 12.3 and SAS Enterprise Guide 6.1), you might seriously consider hiring a Chief Versions Officer (CVO). Fortunately, most of the recent versions of SAS Enterprise Guide work with the different recent versions of SAS, so you have some flexibility as you
Last week I delivered a SAS Talks session: Introduction to Custom Tasks for SAS Enterprise Guide (click to watch it). I promised that I would share a collection of resources where you can learn more information. First, here is a round-up of the custom tasks that I mentioned, with links
If you're using SAS Enterprise Guide and you're not using custom tasks, you're missing out! Custom tasks are new features you can plug in – features that weren't originally packaged with the software. (And contrary to the Pulp-O-Mizer poster that I created, they do not come FROM OUTER SPACE. Usually.)
When I travel to San Francisco in April for SAS Global Forum 2013, it will make my 12th time to attend the international SAS users group conference, and my 7th consecutive year. A lot of people assume that I automatically go every year, but the truth is that SAS employees
I've bragged about how easy it is to install custom tasks for SAS Enterprise Guide. It's simple: you copy the .NET assembly (usually a single DLL file) into one of the designated folders in your SAS Enterprise Guide installation, and your task just shows up in the menu. Since I
There are people who claim that an IT expert professional with no knowledge of SAS can get the SAS Administrator job done. That's probably true. It also depends on your definition of getting the job done. At some SAS sites, it can be that the administrator's role in supporting SAS is to install it and
It's not too early to think about what presentations and pre-conference training to attend while at SAS Global Forum 2012. Tutorials are an extra-fee that is only available as additions to a conference registration. But you can get a deal: Registration package 3 includes your choice of one Sunday Pre-Conference Tutorial.