Search Results: SAS Enterprise Guide (759)

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 is available

Shane and others have already discovered this. The new version of SAS Enterprise Guide is now available. The latest version offers tremendous enhancements for all users, especially SAS programmers. It includes a new SAS program editing environment that supports syntax suggestions and autocomplete, embedded syntax reference help, and a SAS

Chris Hemedinger 0
Keeping the spark alive with SAS Enterprise Guide

Robert Springborn has a special relationship with his SAS software. Like many long-time SAS users, Robert’s livelihood depends upon his advanced skills with SAS technology, as well as his analytical expertise. He’s been using SAS for over 28 years, which means when it comes to writing SAS programs, he’s comfortable

Angela Hall 0
Differences in SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 and 4.2

SAS Enterprise Guide uses HTML as the output default format. So for converted projects in SAS EG 4.2, there is a possible situation where the reports fail to view. Change the default back to HTML (or deploy SAS EG 4.2 with that format option selected). The option in 4.2 is

Angela Hall 0
SAS Enterprise Guide across a proxy firewall

We recently confirmed (via;=0) that SAS Enterprise Guide does not support proxy servers between itself and SAS servers (metadata, workspace, stored process, etc). However, if the proxy server can be transparent then EG can work through it. While implementing SAS BI at a customer site we needed to access

Angela Hall 0
SAS Enterprise Guide - Server File Access

SAS Enterprise Guide allows users to access files on the SAS server environment. Only one of the three options can be set - either to point to the designated user folder 'SAS User Root', set to the root 'System Root', or define a shared location/directory 'path'. The SAS Administrator sets

Chris Hemedinger 0
"Open in JMP" from SAS Enterprise Guide

The SAS Visual Data Discovery package includes, among other things, SAS Enterprise Guide and JMP. If you are among the growing numbers who use these two software applications together, you might be looking for more ways to integrate the two. Here's one way: a SAS Enterprise Guide task that opens

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Enterprise Guide - Vista-ready!

You've been asking for it, and now it's here. We have just released a revision to SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 that supports Microsoft Vista. We released SAS Enterprise Guide 4.1 originally in March 2006. Microsoft Vista was on the horizon then, but was not available to the general public until

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