In den vorangegangenen Artikeln von Stefan Herzog und Julia Maurer wurde bereits dargestellt, wie agile Methoden in einer Vertriebsorganisation erfolgreich angewendet werden können und welche Rollen es gibt. In diesem Beitrag geht es darum, wie die agile Arbeitsweise bestmöglich durch Prozesse und Tools unterstützt werden kann. Auch agiles Arbeiten benötigt ein strukturiertes
Search Results: Microsoft 365 (45)
“Over the last 15 months, we’ve seen the world change in countless ways,” SAS CEO Jim Goodnight said to virtual attendees at SAS Global Forum’s Opening Session. “We’re relying on math and science to make important decisions. We look at data to determine when it’s safe to travel or return
오늘 6월 17일(미 동부 시간 기준 16일) 온라인으로 개최한 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼 2020’에서 SAS는 최신 클라우드 기술을 접목해 의사결정 과정을 가속화하는 AI 기반 엔터프라이즈 분석 플랫폼의 최신 버전 ‘SAS 바이야 4(SAS® Viya® 4)’를 공개하고 마이크로소프트와 클라우드 전환 가속화를 위한 전략적 파트너십 체결을 발표했습니다. 클라우드로 전환하는 비즈니스 IT 트렌드에 발 맞추어
請參照使用:”健保資料庫【系列5-4】STEP1-12.” ➜ 整合之資料”Parkinson”: STEP1:在此步驟中主要將包含1,000人ID之1996年-2001年間CD檔門急診就診資料,共有76,163人次的就診紀錄資料依照”Parkinson’s disease”與”ID”排序之後歸戶。
經過信度分析後,本單元要來教各位如何以因素分析來進行量表的項目分析 本篇文章Dr. SAS來教您 一 效度分析
經過信度分析後,本單元要來教各位如何以因素分析來進行量表的項目分析 本篇文章Dr. SAS來教您 一 效度分析
Part 1:在資料處理過程中,有時需要將文字變項轉為數字變項,以便進行後續的計算。 範例資料1:病患就醫資料ss,變項包含病患id、出生日期birth_date、就醫日期med_date,以及就醫科別med_type,均為文字變項。
在現今網路資訊爆炸的時代,每天都有很多新的資訊湧入,PTT是台灣一個網路論壇,也是大學生常常發文討論的地方。Gossiping Board八卦板是PTT最熱門的看板,每天有將近2000篇的新文章,怎麼快速從這麼多的文章中看出大家在討論的主題?在此章節中將介紹SAS Text Miner「文字歸類」節點,這個模組可以將文章分成不同主題,且不同於「文字群集」節點每篇文章只能分到一群,同一篇文章是可能討論很多種不同主題的。 此範例資料是採用2014中華民國九合一選舉前一個禮拜 ( 2014/11/24~2014/11/28 ) 發文的文章,總計共7275篇文章。若想要快速將7275濃縮成25個主題,看哪些文章在討論哪些主題,透過「文字歸類」節點,可看出有1033篇文章在討論「吃、買、去、八卦、賣」這個主題;782篇在討論「連勝、文、哲、柯、票」這個主題...。
My journey to SAS Global Forum each year resembles a Gartner “Hype Cycle”. Every year, I leave the conference with a million ideas about how I can take what I’ve learned back into my own practice and think (foolishly) that I should write a paper on this or that. Then there
As I write this, SAS 9.3 has not yet been "shipped", but its release is imminent. I've already heard many questions about how SAS Enterprise Guide works with the new version, so I decided to write this "Frequently-soon-to-be-asked questions" document to help sort it out. What version of SAS Enterprise
Contributed by Karen Lee and Kim Darnofall, SAS Communications Thirty-five years ago, SAS changed the world of computing when it opened its doors for business in Raleigh, North Carolina. A lot has happened in 35 years, but one thing remains the same: SAS is still changing the world of computing,
...if man is still alive, will he be importing Excel spreadsheets and wondering why his leap years are off? I received this report from SAS Technical Support, on behalf of a customer who uses SAS Enterprise Guide to import spreadsheet data: The date "12/31/9999" will import as "02Jan****" when reading