Search Results: swimmer (16)

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 17
Swimmer plot

At PharmaSUG 2014 in San Diego, I had the pleasure of attending "Swimmer Plot: Tell a Graphical Story of Your Time to Response Data Using PROC SGPLOT", by Stacey Phillips.  In this paper, Stacey presented an interesting graph showing the effects of a study drug on patients' tumor size. Stacey

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 16
A Graphical Journey

The ODS Graphics software, first released with SAS 9.2, supported creating graphs directly from statistical procedures.  Prior to this, very few statistical procedures created graphs on their own, and in most cases creating graphs was a post process or creating the graphs from the saved data using SAS/GRAPH procedures. With

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 3
Legend items

Plot statements included in the graph definition can contribute to the legend(s).  This can happen automatically, or can be customized using the KEYLEGEND statement.  For plot statements that are classified by a group variable, all of the unique group values are displayed in the legend, along with their graphical representation

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
New Features in SAS 9.40M5 - Gradient fills

ODS Graphics procedures primarily strive towards the following goal:  "Make simple graphs easy and complex graphs possible".   SGPLOT procedure allows you create simple graphs with a single plot statement, and create complex graphs by layering together or combining multiple plot statements.  Generally, the appearance follows the guidelines set by industry

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Getting started with SGPLOT - Part 8 - Horizontal HighLow Plot

On a recent visit to an In-House Users Group meeting at a Pharmaceutical company, I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SG Procedures.  Polling the audience for their experience with these procedures indicated that many SAS users are not familiar with these new ways to create graphs. So,

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