We often hear about cyberattacks, hackers, ransomware, and other nefarious deeds in the news, but not all data breaches are caused by third parties.
In a world rich in data, data enthusiasts and problem solvers can have greater success and innovate faster with flexibility in choice. To code or not to code. The answer aligns with the problem and the data talent working to solve it. What does innovation look like inside your organization?
A previous article shows how to implement recursive formulas in SAS. The article points out that you can often avoid recursion by using an iterative algorithm, which is more efficient. An example is the Fibonacci sequence, which is usually defined recursively as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) for n
Your zip code can have just as much of an impact on your health as your DNA. In a recent podcast episode with Joyanna Gamble-George, MHA, PhD, and Karriem Watson, DHS, MS, MPH, the above statement didn’t just stop us in our track – it reshaped the entire conversation. As