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Unfortunately, the SAS sponsorship of All Analytics has come to an end. But you can find a lot of the same types of content on our SAS channels. We have blogs, discussion forums and webcasts, all covering the same analytics topics you were used to reading about on All Analytics.

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Fraud & Security Intelligence
Stu Bradley 0
Onboarding resilience in a fraudulent world: The power of decisioning

In financial services, the onboarding journey takes on heightened significance. It’s not just about welcoming new customers—it’s about safeguarding their information, validating identity, mitigating risk, ensuring regulatory compliance, and making a great first impression. To achieve these goals, modernizing the decisioning process is crucial. In fact, decisioning lies at the

Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Kristi Boyd 0
Understanding AI governance

AI governance is an all-encompassing strategy that establishes oversight, ensures compliance and develops consistent operations and infrastructure within an organization. It also fosters a human-centric culture.   This strategy includes specific governance domains such as data governance and model governance, necessary for a unified AI approach. Why AI governance matters  The

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