Data Management

Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts

Data Management
David Pope 0
The magic of ESP for the oil and gas industry

Acronyms are funny things. Need an example? Try decoding this sentence: How is event stream processing (ESP), applied to electrical submersible pumps (ESP) in the oil and gas industry, like extrasensory perception (ESP)? Even if you had extrasensory perception you would still need some clarification if that sentence contained acronyms only.

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Why can’t we predict the weather?

This is the time of year when we like to make predictions about the upcoming year. Although I am optimistic about the potential of predictive analytics in the era of big data, I am also realistic about the nature of predictability regardless of how much data is used. For example, in

Data Management
Fiona McNeill 0
Need help with Data Management?

I'm happy to announce the SAS Data Management support community has a new look and feel! And there’s lots of additional content and resources now too. The SAS Data Management community on is a central hub for anyone interested in SAS data access, integration, quality and governance. Community Manager

Data Management | Data Visualization
Vincent Cotte 0
Overcoming the Top Four Challenges to More Effective Decision Making With Data Visualisation

Our recent innovations into Data Visualisation have led us to be inundated and involved in lots of conversations with customers and prospects looking to benefit from the marriage of advanced analytics, visualisation, data management and simplicity. Greg and Minh delved into the benefits that this marriage can yield and why data visualisation should form an

Data Management
Annette Marett 0
SAS loves stats: Marc Huber

If you’ve got a few minutes to chat with Marc Huber, don’t miss the opportunity. He has an interesting take on the human side of statistics.  As a senior analytical training consultant for SAS, he combines an impressive background in psychology with a passion for math to teach customers around the

Data Management
Paul Kent 0
Five big data predictions for 2013

My predictions for "big data" in 2013 were recently published in the Fourth Quarter 2012 issue of Loyalty Management Magazine, and I wanted to share them here too: Streaming data from gadgets, cars and other devices will become an even bigger and more important data source. Social data will be used

Data Management
David Sweenor 0
Adventures in the Hadoop zoo

For some odd reason, the open-source Apache Hadoop ecosystem consists of cleverly named components that seem to have escaped from the Central Park Zoo.  You may be aware that the little yellow elephant named Hadoop was actually a stuffed toy that Doug Cutting’s son owned. (Doug is the co-creator of

Data Management
Annette Marett 0
SAS loves math: Wendy McHenry

From figuring out the optimal price a company should charge for soup to forecasting an organization's financial outcomes, each day brings a new business challenge for Wendy McHenry, systems engineer at SAS. Her "How can we help?" attitude is only part of the equation for successful customer relationships. Find out how math

Data Management
Leo Sadovy 0
To BI and beyond: A BI primer

I remarked in an earlier post (“BI and Better Decisions”) that, prior to joining SAS, while I understood analytics and performance management just fine, the phrase ‘business intelligence’ was not in my vocabulary”.  Turns out I’m not the only finance professional so inflicted.  I was invited last week to give a

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