
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Anna Brown 0
Student loans, what a drag

I recently conducted a financial planning exercising to focus on savings – after all, college tuition rates are climbing and by the time my son goes to school in 18 years or so, I may be looking at $60,000 a year for a public university. Now is the time to

SAS = Analytics

At the SAS analyst event in Steamboat, CO, in March, SAS CEO Jim Goodnight shared some interesting stats with attendees: Even in 2010's tough economy, SAS experienced 5.2 percent worldwide growth in US dollars. On top of that, SAS is still building new facilities, still winning workplace awards, and this

Paula Henderson 0
Practicalities of Analytics

This is a guest post from Jodi Blomberg, a Principal Technical Architect at SAS. She has over 12 years of experience in data mining and mathematical modeling, and has developed analytic models for many government agencies including child support enforcement, insurance fraud, intelligence led policing, supply chain logistics and adverse

Chuck Ellstrom 0
The Two E's

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the budget problems running rampant across all levels of government. Federal, State and Local Governments are all facing historic budget shortfalls due to the economic crisis and decreased tax receipts. This has led to a much closer examination of services

Getting to the point of return on analytics

Linking business analytics to economic value is a hard problem. Despite all the smarts that get poured into models, it's hard to tie them to financial measures such as profitability. And, because of that, it's hard to justify investment in analytics. Need headcount? Sorry, try again. Need tools? Sorry, can't

Analytics | Data Management
Rachel Alt-Simmons 0
Companies are finding the most profitable growth opportunities

In this panel discussion, a diverse group of companies from different industries are finding profitable growth opportunities through analytics. We’re joined by: Jim Foreman, Director of Circulation Analytic, Staples Halina Karachuk, VP Innovation, AXA Equitable Life Barb Buettin, Director, CRM – Enterprise Information Management, Chico’s Nelle Schantz, Sr. Marketing Director,

Rachel Alt-Simmons 0
Cross-business strategies for analytics

How can you find and act on information hidden in customer interactions? How can you use this information to create profitable results and create a consistent customer experience? It’s not just about sales and marketing teams interacting with the customers anymore. The entire organization must align drive a good, consistent

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Becky Graebe 0
Why you don't need a magic bullet

Yesterday at the SAS Global Forum Executive Conference, SAS Senior Director of Product Marketing Nelle Schantz moderated a panel discussion featuring Thomas Davenport, best-selling author and Director of the International Institute for Analytics; Charlene Li, founder of Altimeter Group and co-author of Groundswell; and Rom Hendler, Senior Vice President and

Anna Brown 0
Data. What is it good for?

What is data good for? Absolutely nothing without the right people and the right tools, says Angela Watson, Vice President of Analytics at, an online retailer that offers brand-name merchandise at discounted prices. It’s common for organizations to have “analysis paralysis” where not all departments use data, analytics to

Becky Graebe 0
They came, they saw, they conquered

It was not your average stage entrance. With a full Roman entourage and a majestic portable throne, SAS Global Forum 2011 Chair Debbie Buck, smiled broadly as she made her way to the stage in front of 2,500-member crowd at Opening Session. Her message for conference attendees: “In the words

Kristine Vick 0
The incremental impact

Tapan and I had the chance to talk with Karen Washburn, Manager for the SAS Business Knowledge Series, a SAS Education Division program, who is joining us at Predictive Analytics World this week! Karen will be participating in the conference and seeking out new partners to join the Business Knowledge

Kristine Vick 0
Interview with Bill Franks, CAO Teradata

Bill Franks, Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) of Teradata spent some time with us this week to talk about next week's Predictive Analytics World activities! Predictive Analytics World that takes place during Data Driven Business Week March 14-15 in San Francisco. Any thoughts you would like to share about the upcoming

Ken King 0
That Feeling of Déjà vu

How important is accurate telecom forecasting? Sitting through another presentation this week on the explosive growth of mobile data, and the eye-popping statistics about how many Facebook and Twitter users there are, I can’t help but be excited by the possibilities. But I also have this feeling of déjà vu

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