Advanced Analytics

Move beyond spreadsheets to data mining, forecasting, optimization – and more

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Internet of Things | SAS Administrators
Andrea Negri 0
IoT analytics create bigger role for administrators

Some of the most common questions from customers are about their analytics administration. Often regarded as house-keeping, administration failures can nevertheless cause real pain. The typical day-to-day tasks of analytics administration include checking availability and health of the analytics platform components, allocating proper resources for users like memory, file systems,

Advanced Analytics
SAS Poland 0
Business Intelligence: 4 główne trendy w rozwoju

W rozwoju narzędzi Business Intelligence oraz w sposobie ich wykorzystania w nowoczesnych organizacjach można wyróżnić 4 dominujące trendy. To właśnie one przełożą się na kierunki rozwoju tych narzędzi, zmienią ich rolę we wsparciu procesów decyzyjnych i budowania przewag konkurencyjnych. Trend 1: Modele samoobsługowe Popularyzacja wykorzystania narzędzi BI w przedsiębiorstwach do

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management
Sylvie Faucillon 0
Could text analytics be the cutting-edge technology the oil and gas industry was waiting for?

  Small causes can have large effects; or how a discovery in the Barnett Shale can spike some interest in the rest of the world and change the face of the industry. This article is co-written by Sylvie Jacquet-Faucillon, Senior Analytics Presales Consultant, SAS France; and David Dozoul, Senior Adviser

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