Tag: uk government

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Caroline S Payne 0
Accelerate the UK forward with digital transformation across government #BuildBackBetter

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
Caroline S Payne 0
6 steps for end-to-end processing of fraud and corruption detection

Detecting malpractice and crime – whether it is fraud, people smuggling, avoiding customs or organised crime – is a complex process. Detection is all very well and a necessary step. But what are the outcomes that your organisation needs? And what workflows and triggers do you need in place to

Ryan Thomas 0
Asylum seekers needn’t cause Home Office headaches

Asylum seekers not causing headaches for the UK’s Home Office may be hard to imagine. There are regular scare stories about asylum seekers and budget cuts, amid rising concerns over immigration and the strain its putting on the national infrastructure. But it needn’t mean headaches for policy makers and officials.