Tag: SAS support

Chris Hemedinger 0
Performance-enhancing SAS notes

With the London 2012 Olympics around the corner, there are sure to be reports or rumors of performance-enhancing drug use among some athletes. It turns out that using manufactured chemicals to give yourself an edge is frowned upon in the athletic community. However, as a SAS user you should avail

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
Computing age in SAS 9.3

It seems like such a simple problem: how can you reliably compute the age of someone or something? Susan lamented the subtle issues using the YRDIF function exactly 1.0356164384 years ago. Sure, you could write your own function for calculating such things, as I suggested 0.1753424658 years ago. Or you

Chris Hemedinger 0
Operators were standing by

Last week I presented a SAS Talks session for SAS programmers using SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3. It was well attended, which pleased me. You never know how it's going to go with a webinar. People register and sign in, but they are at their desks in their offices/cubicles/homes where distractions

Chris Hemedinger 0
Once more, with feeling

I'm a computer geek -- much more comfortable behind a keyboard than in front of a camera. But I was glad to put on a nice shirt and visit the SAS video studio so that I could record this message for SAS customers: how does SAS R&D work to support

Chris Hemedinger 0
Keeping the spark alive with SAS Enterprise Guide

Robert Springborn has a special relationship with his SAS software. Like many long-time SAS users, Robert’s livelihood depends upon his advanced skills with SAS technology, as well as his analytical expertise. He’s been using SAS for over 28 years, which means when it comes to writing SAS programs, he’s comfortable

Chris Hemedinger 0
"SAS Talks" is home

The SAS Talks series is a big hit, and now we've got a landing page where you can find previously recorded talks, plus information about upcoming talks. You can learn about SAS programming with SAS Enterprise Guide, ODS statistical graphics, fancy multi-sheet output for Microsoft Excel from SAS, and more!

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Talks: You listening?

My most-visited blog post of 2009 discusses how SAS programmers can use SAS Enterprise Guide effectively. Next Thursday (17Dec2009), I'll be discussing this topic live in the next installment of the SAS Talks series. It's a webinar presentation, where you can listen to me talk, watch me demonstrate the software,

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS 9.2 support for Windows Server 2008

When I said the release was imminent, I wasn't kidding. It's now available. With SAS 9.2 Maintenance 2 we now have support for Windows Server 2008 (in addition to what we already had for SAS 9.1.3). This 9.2 Maintenance release also has various fixes and improvements not only to the

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS 9.1.3 on Windows Server 2008

I get this question all of the time on the discussion forum and this blog, so I feel I should help to spread the news. SAS now supports SAS 9.1.3 SP4 on Windows 2008 (32-bit edition). Here is the official statement. Update 07Oct2009: I changed this to indicate that the

Chris Hemedinger 0
They love us in Japan

At least, they will love us when they see that we've translated the SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2 tutorial into Japanese and put it on the SAS support site. We've also got three flavors of Chinese (zh-TW, zh-CN, zh-HK) and Korean now available. These new editions join the Italian, German, Spanish,

Chris Hemedinger 0
Let's just call it 5 out of 5, shall we?

I was recently reviewing our most popular samples that we publish on support.sas.com, and I came across this one showing unusual uses for the ROUND function. As well as gathering lots of visits, this sample has also earned a very respectable rating by you, the readers. I note that we

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS product pages from A to Z

From SAS/ACCESS (for working with databases) to SAS/ZODIAC* (for cranking out horoscopes), you'll be able to learn all you need to know about SAS products with the new product pages on support.sas.com. As of today, we're featuring just a handful of popular products within these pages. The product pages serve

Chris Hemedinger 0
1000-thread count

No, this is not about a super-expensive set of bed linens. It's about the 1000th thread (discussion topic) in the SAS Enterprise Guide discussion forum. This discussion forum began as a pilot program over two years ago, with SAS Enterprise Guide and ODS and Base Reporting among the first two

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