Tag: sas press

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Michael A. Raithel 0
SAS tourism

How do they spell “SAS” in Japan?  What does the Japanese version of the SAS Display Manager look like?  How is a SAS programming class conducted in Tokyo?  These may sound like pretty random questions, but I found myself wondering about them as I began preparing for my trip to

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Naming ODS output

This week's SAS tip is from Michael Tuchman and his innovative book PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS. Michael's book fills an important gap. For instance, in her review of the book, SAS user and senior statistical analyst Wendi Wright said: "Currently, I believe PROC DOCUMENT is a highly underused procedure and after reading

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Rebecca Greene 0
Happy authors don’t …

One of my favorite literary agents, Rachelle Gardner, often talks about the traits of good writers. Recently she posted a list of things that happy authors don’t do. I’ve quoted a few traits from her list that also apply to authors of technical material. Happy authors don’t … 1 …

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