I was with my two grown sons and their spouses this past month for a family wedding. I have to say that they have turned out well. They seem to have great relationships with their spouses and children; they are working productively in their fields of interest; they care about
Tag: parenting
The other day I was listening to a Hidden Brain clip about reference bias. Apparently, a new research study found that students exposed to their very best peers became discouraged about their own abilities and performance — and were more likely to drop out. Just on face value, that rang
The other day the thermometer shot up to 80. I had been pulling from my winter wardrobe when the heat compelled me to put on a pair of pants I hadn’t worn for the past 6 months. Hmmm. They didn't fit as I had expected. :) Reality check. Reality checks are
This past Saturday evening, my husband & I took a stroll around downtown Durham and checked out a pizza place in the historic Fire Station #1. As I was chatting with the manager, I learned that they hosted a “Family Meal” every Sunday afternoon with the goal of bringing families
Next week I will begin facilitating a six-session class, “Preparing for the Teen Years”. I have taught this class more than two dozen times and each time I do it, I learn something about the topic of parenting teens…and about myself. One truth I have learned over the years as
There is so much going on in our country right now socially, that I feel like someone has just placed a soapbox in front of me and dared me to climb up. Never one to resist, let's talk about parenting in shifting sands. Talking to your kids (of all ages) about