Tag: Mindfulness

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
Finding Purpose

As the new year unfolds so do new resolutions. While these are helpful, I invite you to consider a new way to look at cultivating what you really want this year! Let’s begin with a simple question. What gets you out of bed every day? I'm not referring to an alarm

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Radical Acceptance

It’s rare that we think this moment is the only moment that matters. We're often thinking about what just happened or filtering through our list of to-dos.  These are the things that pull us into what Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance, calls the "trance of thinking". It's been really

Work & Life at SAS
Ryan Wands 0
Purposeful Action

The pandemic of 2020 has been a largely forced opportunity to reevaluate our priorities and loosen the hectic schedules that seem to dominate modern life. For months now, those inane social rituals that make up most of our interactions have now been replaced by family, friend, and solo time.  Let’s

Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
New Year Intentions

Happy New Year from your Work/Life Team! Lisa here.  I don’t really do “resolutions” in January, but I have set an “intention” before and loved the way I was able to focus my thoughts and behaviors around it.  Part of why an intention works better than resolutions for me is

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
The Sound of Silence

The morning sunrises have been exceptionally beautiful this winter. Vibrant colors of fiery pinks and orange give way to bright blue skies and white fluffy clouds. There is something magical about being connected to nature, especially in the early morning before life has awoken. It takes me back to my

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
The Sweet Scents of Slumber

I jumped down the rabbit hole of essential oils (EOs) and aromatherapy ~18 years ago and never looked back.  Smell is one of the strongest connections we have to memory.  My first experience with essential oil occurred during a massage when the therapist used Lilac.  I immediately thought of my

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0

  “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”  ~Dale Carnegie It seems like these days, as Americans rush around from task to task, with a “to do”