지난 2월, 미국 노스캐롤라이나(NC)주는 SAS 및 InterSystems와 제휴하여 주 정보기술부(North Carolina Department of Information Technology; NC DIT) 산하의 ‘건강 정보 교환 센터(Health Information Exchanges; HIE)’ NC HealthConnex의 현대화 소식을 발표했습니다. NC HealthConnex는 향상된 진료 서비스와 환자의 안전을 지원하고 진료 이전을 용이하게 하며, 주 전역에 걸쳐 4,500개 이상의 의료 시설에 관련
Tag: hie
The healthcare big data revolution has only just begun. Current efforts percolating around the country primarily surround aggregation of clinical electronic health records (EHRs) & administrative healthcare claims. These healthcare big data initiatives are gaining traction and could produce exciting enhancements to the effectiveness and efficiency of the US healthcare
The creation of Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) took off in 2009 with the establishment of the State Health Information Exchange Cooperative Agreement Program (SHIECAP). Recently, it seems like HIEs have been somewhat of the middle-child, garnering less attention between the health insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion. But let’s take a
If you haven’t heard of an APCD, it’s one of those acronyms you need to know. All-Payer Claims Databases are simply databases that consist of claims data from all health care payers in a given state. This includes private payers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, and public payers such