Fast 200 Todesopfer (davon 134 allein im Ahrtal), 33 Milliarden Euro an Sachschäden – das Hochwasser im Ahrtal 2021 war die teuerste Naturkatastrophe der europäischen Geschichte. Und weniger als ein Viertel der betroffenen Assets war versichert. Wer die Risiken von Überschwemmungen und anderen Naturereignissen früher erkennen und präziser einschätzen will,
Tag: HackinSAS
The application of IoT devices and artificial intelligence in healthcare presents numerous opportunities in use cases like training, research, end-of-life care, treatment, keeping well, early detection, diagnosis, and decision-making.
Como profissional do mundo da tecnologia, estou a presenciar de perto a forma como os modelos de negócio tradicionais, que até agora eram a base do desenvolvimento tecnológico global, estão de facto a mudar drasticamente. Perceber até que ponto esta mudança é a resposta para as novas necessidades do mercado
Damit Innovation in Disruption umbenannt werden kann, braucht es erst mal ein gutes Ohr für das noch theoretische Vorhaben.
"With #HackinSAS, we want to build on the best of many young ideas into innovative products on one platform."
„Wir wollen mit #HackinSAS aus vielen jungen Ideen die besten auf einer Plattform zu innovativen Produkten weiterbauen.“
We've set up a Covid-19 task force to support you during this crisis. We offer free consultations and can provide recommendations.
By this point you may be wondering whether the so-called hill that represents the move to operationalization may actually be a mountain.
How do you convince busy IT integration partners to take a deep dive into new technology without asking them to also first sell a solution to a client? After all, time is money for implementation partners. At SAS, we are keen to introduce our partners and, through them, more clients
Hackathons are short-term programming events that use data and analytics to solve real-world challenges. They have been around for a while now, and there is general agreement that they are great opportunities for networking and experimenting. There is also, however, now a growing sense that organisations can use them to