Jim Harris says curating AI’s curriculum is the responsibility of data stewards.
Jim Harris says curating AI’s curriculum is the responsibility of data stewards.
Jim Harris says data stewards are essential to analytics, providing life cycle management for data across the enterprise.
Joyce Norris-Montanari cites five things she considers essential to data management for analytics.
Data quality initiatives challenge organizations because the discipline encompasses so many issues, approaches and tools. Across the board, there are four main activity areas – or pillars – that underlie any successful data quality initiative. Let’s look at what each pillar means, then consider the benefits SAS Data Management brings
One aspect of high-quality information is consistency. We often think about consistency in terms of consistent values. A large portion of the effort expended on “data quality dimensions” essentially focuses on data value consistency. For example, when we describe accuracy, what we often mean is consistency with a defined source
In my prior posts about operational data governance, I've suggested the need to embed data validation as an integral component of any data integration application. In my last post, we looked at an example of using a data quality audit report to ensure fidelity of the data integration processes for
Data governance has been the topic of many of the recent posts here on the Data Roundtable. And rightfully so, since data governance plays such an integral role in the success of many enterprise information initiatives – such as data quality, master data management and analytics. These posts can help you prepare for discussing
We've witnessed a significant rise in data governance adoption in recent years. Careers, technology, education, frameworks, practitioners – there's growth in all aspects of the discipline. Regulatory compliance across many sectors is a typical driver for data governance. But I also believe one of the main reasons is the realisation by
In my last post, we explored the operational facet of data governance and data stewardship. We focused on the challenges of providing a scalable way to assess incoming data sources, identify data quality rules and define enforceable data quality policies. As the number of acquired data sources increases, it becomes
Data governance can encompass a wide spectrum of practices, many of which are focused on the development, documentation, approval and deployment of policies associated with data management and utilization. I distinguish the facet of “operational” data governance from the fully encompassed practice to specifically focus on the operational tasks for
Master data management (MDM) is distinct from other data management disciplines due to its primary focus on giving the enterprise a single view of the master data that represents key business entities, such as parties, products, locations and assets. MDM achieves this by standardizing, matching and consolidating common data elements across traditional and big
@philsimon on what we can learn about data quality from Jeff Bezos's behemoth.
When you spend long enough writing and working in any industry, you inevitably see trends emerge and reach varying levels of maturity. Data governance is one such trend, as you can see from the following Google Trends chart:
It's Data Stewards Day! I could barely sleep last night after decorating the office with old floppy disks and outmoded data governance presentations from 2008. (Editor's note: That didn't happen, but it's a great idea for next year.) Yes, for anybody who lives and loves data, this is truly "the
Learn the top 5 reasons for managing data where it lives – whether it's in database or in memory, in the cloud or in-stream.
Working on a data migration project gives you a unique opportunity to learn where your organization has fallen short in its data management strategy. It's when you start to explore your legacy data landscape that you get a feel for how big a silo challenge your company has. It wasn't
There's a sense of foreboding and uncertainty. You look around, but you're uncertain where to go next. What to do. Or who to turn to. Ultimately, it feels like an eerie calm before the storm. And you get that creepy feeling that something awful is just around the corner. I might be
.@philsimon on whether companies should apply some radical tactics to DG.
In my previous post I explained that even if your organization does not have anyone with data steward as their official job title, data stewardship plays a crucial role in data governance and data quality. Let’s assume that this has inspired you to formally make data steward an official job title. How
Each year, I'm excited to see the awards nominations for Data Steward of the Year come in. It's not just because we enjoy seeing the program grow each year (which is true, based on the number of nominations we receive). It's also because of the variety of the nominations –
Since tomorrow is How-long-has-it-been-since-you-used-this-data-ween, it’s time to review your organization’s preparedness for preventing the zombie data-pocalypse. (Please Note: This should not be confused with your organization’s preparedness for preventing the zombie apocalypse, for which check out the resources provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by ever-so-carefully clicking on
In my last post I discussed one of the important traits that I feel truly great data stewards possess – the ability to effect change. Today I want to talk about how you actually identify, train and nurture everyday workers into the role of data stewards. Most organisations don’t have
In the era of big data, Kenneth Cukier and Viktor Mayer-Schonberger noted in their book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think, “we are in the midst of a great infrastructure project that in some ways rivals those of the past, from the Roman aqueducts
With Data Stewards Day fast approaching I started to reminisce about the many data stewards I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the past. What struck me was just how many people take on the role of data steward - but under the guise of conventional roles. For example,
The second part of my data governance primer series addresses ways to "mind your metadata." I can just hear the collective groans, and perhaps a stifled yawn. Sorry, but metadata collection is one of those necessary evils that may not be fun, but having it available as a resource to