There is one equation every retail store, call center, traffic, airport or hospital manager should know by heart. No, it’s not E = mc². The one I had in mind is this: W = 1 / (μ – λ) It may not look like much, but it can mean the
There is one equation every retail store, call center, traffic, airport or hospital manager should know by heart. No, it’s not E = mc². The one I had in mind is this: W = 1 / (μ – λ) It may not look like much, but it can mean the
En este mundo interconectado en el que vivimos, ser un competidor fuerte en la economía digital es, además de importante, clave para alcanzar grandes resultados. Por tener gran influencia en los procesos internos de gestión, así como en las operaciones que se desarrollan de cara a los clientes, la Analítica
Do you ever stop and think about why it’s so hard to get really great customer service? As consumers, most of us are making transactions all day long, but it’s rare that someone actually surprises or delights us. More often, we rack up negative experiences. Think of what it’s like
I’m still old school enough to enjoy reading the local News & Observer on weekends. I even like flipping through pages that leave my fingers smudged from newsprint. I was reading an editorial piece a while back, and a phrase leapt out at me. A correspondent wrote, “We are in
If you know me, you know two undeniable things (other than my love for froyo): I consider shopping a sport and I am an Analytics geek. Being an Analytics geek means that I see potential for using data everywhere, and never more than when it’s my data as a customer.
It's that time of year: Awards season. While we on the SAS Social Media Team will be happily following along this Sunday for the 87th Annual Academy Awards (via Twitter, naturally), we thought it only appropriate to use this as a time to celebrate our customers in social from 2014. From
When we talk about digital customer services, it’s all about creating online self-service capabilities for our customers. This is great for everyone! We’ve made it easy for the customer to get what they need; it’s cheaper and faster for organizations to deliver the service to the customer. Need a copy