My Performance Validation team in SAS R&D is constantly working with our partners to test how their storage arrays work with SAS. In late 2014, we finalized several papers that discuss how a mixed analytics workload performs on several storage arrays. While doing this testing, we also listed lessons-learned in
I’m not a seasoned business traveler so I generally plan to arrive extra early and leave a little late to avoid any last-minute stress. The problem with all that stress-avoidance is that I often have extra time on my hands and am stuck with finding ways to entertain myself. What
Many larger SAS deployments have multiple instances of similar SAS-related servers. For example, a distributed SAS Enterprise BI environment may have several machines running instances of the object spawner or the OLAP server. Similarly, all of your distributed SAS Visual Analytics deployments have worker nodes that are typically dedicated Linux
Have you ever created a SAS macro variable and at resolution time received a warning that it did not exist? Many times this warning is because your program referenced the macro variable outside the scope it was created in. Every macro variable created is stored in one of two symbol
Love is in the air and things are starting to heat up for Valentine’s Day. OK—maybe not for Connecticut and the rest of the northeast buried in another foot of snow and more on the way! Perhaps some stories of love could help melt the ice away. They’re happening every
I stated in my previous blog about the value and benefits of volunteering that SAS Global Forum is designed to bring users with questions together with users with know-how. This goal is accomplished primarily in breakout and ePoster presentations. During his keynote address at SAS Global Forum 2014, Futurist Thornton
I love to teach, but it took several years of teaching before I felt comfortable being in front of a class. And having taught for over 20 years, the fear of presenting in the classroom has passed, but what about presenting at professional meetings or in front of my peers?
In the latest release of SAS Visual Analytics Designer, a parameter is a variable whose value can be changed and that can be referenced by other report objects. Why is this an important introduction? This addition means that, not only can you design interactive reports via prompt controls, those controls
This is an exciting and busy time for the SAS Global Forum 2015 content and delivery teams. They have worked hard to finalize the content, enhance your scheduling experience and ensure that attendees have access to as much of the conference content as possible. Please set aside some time in
“Here’s Johnny!!!” and well sometimes John and sometimes Jonathan and sometimes Jon. In the real world, you sometimes need to make matching character strings more flexible. This is especially common when merging data sets. Variables, especially names, are not always exactly the same in all sources of your data. When