Configuring storage for SAS--additional guidelines


My Performance Validation team in SAS R&D is constantly working with our partners to test how their storage arrays work with SAS.  In late 2014, we finalized several papers that discuss how a mixed analytics workload performs on several storage arrays.  While doing this testing, we also listed lessons-learned in the tuning guidelines of each paper.

Please review the papers listed below:

These papers, along with lots of other papers for other storage, can be found in Usage Note 53874: Troubleshooting system performance problems: I/O subsystem and storage papers.  Please bookmark this SAS Usage note as we update this list of papers regularly.

Let me know if you have questions about these papers or if there are other new storage systems that you would like SAS to test.


About Author

Margaret Crevar

Manager, SAS R&D Performance Lab

Margaret Crevar has worked at SAS since May 1982. She has held a variety of positions since then, working in sales, marketing and now research and development. In her current role, Crevar manages the SAS Performance Lab in R&D. This lab has two roles: testing future SAS releases while they're still in development to make sure they're performing as expected; and helping SAS customers who are experiencing performance issues overcome their challenges.

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