Tag: sas

The specifics of analytics in data quality

We just published Gerhard Svolba’s Data Quality for Analytics Using SAS. When I first heard about it, I thought we’d have a tome covering such topics as standardizing data, cleaning it up, removing duplicates, and so on. However, as Gerhard says in his Introduction, “There are many aspects of data

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Shelly Goodin 0
Ten bestselling books at PharmaSUG 2012

Don’t miss this list of most sought after books at PharmaSUG 2012. Last month’s conference featured several presentations from SAS authors and many of their books, along with industry-specific titles, were highly popular with attendees. The top 10 (in no particular order): Carpenter's Guide to Innovative SAS Techniques by Art

Kathy Council 5
New to SAS?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get in Publications is “I’m new to SAS. How do I get started?” We can always help with an answer to the question, but to do so we need to learn a little more about your plans for using SAS.  Do you

Shelly Goodin 0
Will JR text?

Although many of you may not own up to it, I bet you watched at least one episode of Dallas in the early ‘80s. I haven’t yet seen the reboot of the series, but plan to. Dallas’ “Who Shot JR?” plotline, as well as the contrived writing-off of an entire

Sean Gargan 0
SAS employees stay informed to keep you informed

As SAS users, you rely on books from SAS to stay informed about the latest software updates and industry best practices from SAS authors. As the organization that brings you those books, Publications Division employees attend trade shows, conferences and workshops for professional development and meet with publishing partners to

Julie Platt 10
SAS eBooks: Would you like code with that?

Stop at any fast food restaurant in America, and no matter what you order, you’ll likely be asked, “Would you like fries with that?” Fries are the traditional accompaniment to any fast food entrée. More recently, fast food restaurants have begun to broaden their menu and offer healthier choices in

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: scatterplots of ice cream consumption

This week's SAS tip features scatterplots of ice cream data. Geoff Der and Brain Everitt and their book Basic Statistics Using SAS Enterprise Guide offer up many intriguing examples. Besides analyzing ice cream consumption, the authors use heights and resting pulse rates, horse race winners, and brain tumors to illustrate statistical techniques. Emphasizing the practical

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Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: displaying integrity constraints

Kirk Lafler and his book PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS are the source of this week's tip. PROC SQL was the very first book that I promoted when joining SAS. Kirk was the perfect first SAS Press author to work with and he remains a favorite. And his book continues to appeal to users--whether they're online or at conferences.

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