Tag: business intelligence

Chris Hemedinger 0
Sucking an elephant through a straw

Before you can analyze data, you have to get to it (or them, if you're a "data is plural" sort of person). Don't you sometimes wish you could simply "Google Map" your data topology to see the quickest route to get to it? Sometimes, point-and-click applications make it almost too

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS for Dummies: Is it for you too?

SAS for Dummies is now available for sale here and at bookstores everywhere. While it's not likely the most famous book to premier this month, I personally have gained much satisfaction from seeing it go out and land in the hands of eager readers. Even if you won't admit to

Peter Dorrington 0
HMG's Response to the Fraud Review

On the 15th March 2007 the UK Government (through the Attorney General) gave its response (pdf) to the Fraud Review Final Report, which represents the first comprehensive and holistic review of fraud and anti fraud efforts in England and Wales. In short, the Government has accepted all the major recommendations

Kelly Levoyer 1
No fairy tales here

I'm writing from the freezing cold press room in a resort in sunny Orlando, Florida, where SAS is hosting its annual customer and executive conference, SAS Global Forum. Amid the buzz from journalists arranging interviews with SAS customers, executives and industry thought leaders like Guy Kawasaki and Thornton May, I

Alison Bolen 0
BI in the public sector

I've read lots of coverage recently about the new Butler Group report that says public sector agencies could be making better use of business intelligence. That's good to know and not too surprising - but how? Peter Dorrington, head of industry marketing strategy at SAS UK, has a few ideas.

Alison Bolen 0
Whose rules? The business rules.

In this recent DM Review article, Robert Blasum does a good job of defining and describing "business rules" and explaining why they matter in business intelligence. I'm linking to it because I remember this being a term that confused me for a long time when I first started working at

Chris Hemedinger 3
Why I'm not in marketing

  I was searching for a metaphor to introduce SAS user conference attendees to SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office. Press PLAY on the video to see what I came up with. I premiered this movie at a recent SAS conference in Atlanta (hey, there was even a tie-in with the

Alison Bolen 0
Let the consolidation begin

In our first quarter 2007 cover story "The Future of Business Intelligence" SAS CEO Jim Goodnight and others speculated about the BI vendor consolidation rumors that had been circulating for months. At the time, Dr. Goodnight said: SAS will still be standing as a strong independent vendor after the consolidation.

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