
Innovation | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Bryan Saunders 0
The strategic importance of predictive maintenance in industrial operations

Organizations with a passion for quality, reliability, efficiency and safety are using real-time insights generated from AI-powered predictive maintenance programs to anticipate and avoid potential issues while mitigating negative impact. A shift from reactive maintenance, or handling issues in real-time, is not just a technological evolution; it's a strategic decision.

Artificial Intelligence | Cloud | Innovation | Internet of Things | Predictions
Spiros Potamitis 0
Getting a glimpse into the future of forecasting

In a global economy marked by fragile supply chains, scarce resources and rising energy costs, the spotlight is on forecasting to address these issues. In 2022, McKinsey & Company uncovered a staggering $600 billion annual food waste, equating to 33% – 40% of global food production, spotlighting the devastating consequences

Artificial Intelligence
Vrushali Sawant 0
3 attributes of human centricity in trustworthy AI development

AI tools should, ideally, prioritize human well-being, agency and equity, steering clear of harmful consequences. Across various industries, AI is instrumental in solving many challenging problems, such as enhancing tumor assessments in cancer treatment or utilizing natural language processing in banking for customer-centric transformation. The application of AI is also

Learn SAS | Predictions
Alexis Mallis 1
Optimize learning for sustained employee growth in 2024 with these 5 tips

As the idea of professional growth has changed, organizations have shifted their approach to learning and development (L&D) for employees. However, we’ve noticed this shift is more focused on identifying employees’ training needs to increase motivation and retain top talent. Throughout 2024, we expect to experience a continuation of this

Lindsay Marshall 2
You’re in safe hands with a SAS managed offering in the cloud

Some organizations need advanced analytics that is customized, configured and managed off-site. That’s where the SAS-managed offerings come in. Ever wondered what it takes to get a SAS managed application services (MAS) project implemented and supported continuously? That’s where Jenny Welsh comes in. She’s the Senior Director of Cloud Customer Experience. Jenny and her teams

Artificial Intelligence
Melissa Jantjies 0
Trustworthy AI for retail: Balancing innovation and responsibility

The significance of upholding trustworthy AI standards transcends multiple industries. Within retail, AI can potentially wield considerable influence in driving customer experiences, optimizing operations, and shaping business strategies. However, it is crucial to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed in an ethical manner, prioritizing human well-being and reflecting

Analytics | SAS Events
Alison Bolen 0
Georgia-Pacific VP on building resilience in the era of disruption

If the last few years have taught us anything it’s this: business disruptions are not rare events. They are the norm. Today’s business leaders are grappling with logistics nightmares, economic upheaval, evolving consumer preferences, rapid technological advancements, regulatory changes, and armed conflicts. While it’s not possible to plan for every

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