The “big” part of big data is about enabling insights that were previously indiscernible. It's about uncovering small differences that make a big difference in domains as widespread as health care, public health, marketing and business process optimization, law enforcement and cybersecurity – and even the detection of new subatomic particles.
One of our country's oldest institutions, the U.S. Census Bureau, is at the forefront of modern government efforts. Those efforts are numerous and disparate, from general directives to do more with less, to digitization and consolidation initiatives, to the “Cloud First” mandate, and the pushes for agile and open source development.
Some estimates suggest that the number of connected objects will be more than 50 billion by 2020. Each of us will own between six and 10 connected objects. But what exactly is the Internet of Things (IoT)? Wikipedia describes it as “the network of physical objects — devices, vehicles, buildings
There was this very embarrassing day around year six of my career as a statistician working in clinical trials. I had a small group of interns working on a project that combined data from multiple clinical trials. The goal was to better understand sources of variation in the common control
The summer games have all the elements of a great story—power, drama, intrigue, and the key moment when one team rises above the rest and is dressed in gold. I guess I can’t help but love the games -- and as a professional communicator, I can’t resist a great story.
Collecting, managing, standardizing and analyzing clinical data during (and after) a clinical trial is crucial in the process for submission and regulatory approval of a new compound, biological, device or other therapy. A central clinical platform requires: Robust and auditable analytics to prove the result to the authorities and external
“Good afternoon, Mr. Yakamoto. How did you like that three-pack of tank tops you bought last time you were in?” Washington D.C. Year 2054. Chief of PreCrime John Anderton is running from the law for a crime he has not committed yet. After a risky eye transplant in order to
SAS is widely used in clinical research activities including: Managing and transforming data. Generating tabular and graphical summaries. Performing powerful statistical analyses such as safety and efficacy evaluations. In addition, SAS provides a number of interfaces from which a user can select to work with the data. One of these
The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) Confederation has done lots of great research on how to enhance decision making so that every decision delivers greater value to patients (in terms of clinical outcome) and to health care organisations (in terms of operational effectiveness). In its most recent report on this
To some people, electricity is like air: There for the taking. For others, circumventing paying a utility bill is a just cause, sticking it to “Big Energy” for their perceived transgressions against customers. In either case, not paying for energy is considered fraud and a crime. In some states, energy