
Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Internet of Things
Lonnie Miller 0
Could analytics improve electric vehicle adoption?

In August 2017, Britta Gross spoke about General Motors’ perspective on bringing electric vehicles (and their derivatives) to market. Her point of view reaffirmed GM's research on consumer awareness of electric vehicles (only 60 percent) and consumer adoption concerns with this emerging technology. She also revealed the portfolio of cars

Artificial Intelligence
Leo Sadovy 1
AI and trust

Andy Dufresne, the wrongly convicted character in The Shawshank Redemption, provocatively asks the prison guard early in the film: “Do you trust your wife?” It’s a dead serious question regarding avoiding taxes on a recent financial windfall that had come the guard's way, and leads to events that eventually win

Artificial Intelligence | Data Management | Machine Learning
Roger Thomas 0
Magic vs monetization: AI tips for manufacturing executives

Remember the military computer Joshua from the 1983 Matthew Broderick movie WarGames? Joshua learned how to “play a game” by competing against other computers, got confused about reality, and nearly started WWIII. As depicted in that movie, Joshua isn’t all that different from Google’s DeepMind, which became a superhuman chess

Mary Osborne 4
May the Fourth Be With You 2018

In The Force Awakens, when Poe Dameron, the self-assured pilot, said, “So who talks first, you talk first, I talk first? ..." I had a feeling he’d end up being a character I’d like. When Poe had this interaction with Armitage Hux in The Last Jedi, I was completely sold

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