
Anna Brown 0
Macys.com on SAS and Hadoop

Many companies are using Hadoop to manage big data – Macys.com is one example. In the video below Kerem Tomak, Macys.com Vice President of Marketing Analytics, talks about the tangible benefits of using SAS/ACCESS Interface to Hadoop, including the speed and efficiency to see insights from mountains of data. You

Ericka Wilcher 0
Analytics vs the HiPPO?

Given the increasing role of analytics, are HiPPOS going the way of the dinosaur? According to the recent research from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, the answer is yes and no. Perhaps you’ve heard of the term HiPPO (Highest Paid Person in the Organization or Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) –

Alison Bolen 4
In analytics, who inspires you?

Who inspires you in the analytics arena? Is it a specific analyst or an analytically minded company? Or, like Tom Davenport describes below, maybe it's the GM of a professional sports team. We asked our Premier Business Leadership speakers and some of our Facebook friends to tell us about the

Alison Bolen 0
Six things you should be measuring now

Are you using the same tired KPIs as your competitors? Have you forgotten to tie metrics back to the customer? Are you waiting until later to calculate ROI for your latest analytics projects? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be measuring the wrong things. Read

Scott VanValkenburgh 0
Deloitte in a big data world

What do SAS technology partners think about the “big data” craze? Is it real or hype? And if it's real, what skills do you need to embrace big data opportunities? At our upcoming events,  Analytics 2012 and The Premier Business Leadership Series, you’ll get the opportunity to ask these questions of our partners in

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