
Kristine Vick
Principal Marketing Specialist

Kristine is an energetic, innovative, results focused marketing practitioner. She strives to share great analytical stories and successes. Kristine helps others see the big picture while taking care of details and thinking of creative ways to get more done!

Analytics | SAS Events
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4 resources to help convince your boss to send you to SAS Analytics Experience

Wondering what makes this conference special?  Over the years I’ve heard from many attendees that it’s the best way to get the most out of their analytics investments. Analytics Experience is a learning-focused conference featuring networking opportunities, training, certification exams and analytics presentations for all skill levels. #AnalyticsX will give you

Analytics | SAS Events
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How will IoT and AI drive transformation in health care and life sciences?

As health care evolves, its entire ecosystem – from payers and providers to pharmaceutical companies and government agencies – seeks to find common ground. More data is available than ever. But transforming information into innovation is challenging. Organizations strive to create shared goals, internally and externally, trying to improve patient

Analytics | Internet of Things
Kristine Vick 0
Build your analytics advantage in manufacturing

Connect with SAS before and during IndustryWeek Manufacturing & Technology, a three-day event focusing on the key elements of advanced manufacturing: lean and continuous improvement, leadership, technology integration, talent management and best practices to achieve operational excellence. We look forward to seeing you at Industry Week's Manufacturing & Technology Conference