Search Results: modern (405)

Internet of Things
Paul Venditti 0
Why accurate predictive maintenance requires digital twins

Organizations continuously search for innovative ways to optimize their operations and elevate efficiency. One promising frontier is the integration of digital twins for predictive maintenance. However, the true potential of this technology often remains untapped, with many organizations settling for what can be described as “digital shadows.” In this exploration,

Analytics | SAS Events
Alison Bolen 0
Georgia-Pacific VP on building resilience in the era of disruption

If the last few years have taught us anything it’s this: business disruptions are not rare events. They are the norm. Today’s business leaders are grappling with logistics nightmares, economic upheaval, evolving consumer preferences, rapid technological advancements, regulatory changes, and armed conflicts. While it’s not possible to plan for every

Innovation | Predictions | SAS Events
Elaine Hamill 0
Collaborative strategies for building organizational resilience in 2024

The biggest challenges of our time won’t be solved in silos. To tackle complex problems, we’ll need ideas, perspectives, resilience and innovation rising from cross-sector collaboration and partnership. SAS recently hosted the 2023 Concordia United States Summit, a collaborative dialogue among public, private and nonprofit organizations designed to spur activities

Internet of Things | Predictions
Glynn Newby 0
Timeless principles meet emerging trends in manufacturing for 2024

Manufacturing remains a transformative process at its core, converting raw materials into valuable products. While the fundamental essence of manufacturing has endured for centuries, the methods and technologies employed have undergone significant evolution, driven by innovation and the ever-shifting demands of consumers. As we enter 2024, the manufacturing industry is

Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Innovation
Jason DiNovi 0
3 ways generative AI can level the field with health care fraudsters

Over the last year, generative AI has captivated the public imagination. Many of us have become newly acquainted with the concept of an approaching Singularity coined by John von Neumann or Nick Bostrom’s Paper Clip thought experiment. Fortunately, Microsoft’s office assistant, Clippy, has yet to dutifully transform our planet into

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